WeeklyBattles said:
Its Hyperbole and contradicts the fact that Light Fang is just a form of Storm Release, which uses lightning.
In that case, the guidebook description would contradict source material.
"Storm Release (ÕÁÉÚüü, Ranton, Viz: "Gale Style" or "Storm Style") is a combined nature transformation kekkei genkai made up of techniques that mix lightning and water-based chakra to create energy beams that can be guided towards the enemy."
It's not meant to literally be light, just another transformation of lightning.
The real cal howard said:
I feel that guidebooks should be generally allowed only if excerpts taken don't contradict source material.
- Goku's Super Kamehameha would shatter the moon
This excerpt can't be used because it contradicts the power scale at the time being about country level.
- Vegeta had enough energy to destroy the planet
This excerpt can be used as it supports the fact that Vegeta wasn't bluffing about blowing up the planet and fits into the power scale at the time.
I've met people that said Vegeta was bluffing about destroying Earth.
However, the guide, Vegeta's claim, and filler bug planet support that he could.
I know that it's filler, but why would the creators have Vegeta blow up one planet in filler and then not be able to for Earth? It at least points in the same direction.