Rewatching the bit... nope, that's just Extrasensory Perception... nothing else at all suggesting Holy/Purification/BFR hax is also there, just Ichigo sensing energy.
No? Combatants like
Archie Sonic and
Alien X's ability were shown to failed against their respective opponents, and yet they still would have it because they
still attempted to do it
But this is
FAR different from Ichigo who
barely or
rarely shown this ability at all in the fight, it just looks like he gonna give Naruto a stabby-stab with his weapon and be done with it.
Ooooooorrr even shown, too, y'know? But maayybbeeee...? Overall, It just looks like a power boost he just gained to quickly end off Edward imo.
Even then, Aang and Ghost Rider atleast demonstrated their ability UNLIKE Ichigo from my previous points so far.
Okay, but that doesn't help the fact you are violating our commitment of using from the animation once more:
The profiles of Death Battle combatants are based on their feats in the fighting animation, not their feats in the analysis.
This is why I went back to Diamond Drone's suggestion of expanding the elaboration of the Explanation's Section, we wouldn't have this problem if you just followed the commitment... which you are
not right now. The Analyzes are NOT being used in the profiles at all, so why even point that out as an argument?
Even then, Ichigo
HASN'T even
OR directly shown, stated or implied that kind of ability on-screen in the animation itself, your reasoning for this is just "It's because it is HIS job as a character as in the original source!" but that doesn't
mean he should have it
automatically. You are just violating our rule of using stuff ONLY shown in the ANIMATION itself like you did with Tails and his Spin-Dash ability. Going back to what Diamond Drone said months ago:
This also shares with the same problem as Naturo's Multiple Selves (Which personally IMO seems more like Type 1 than 2 or 3) and Longevity, you are using other sources
outside of the Death Battle's Animation itself.