Priority 1: Gives most of the verse stats/tiers
Verse: Im: Great Priest Imhotep (Doesn't have a page yet)
To make it easier to tell what feat is about which, I separated the feats by what way a feat should be calced. This is also partially because a lot of the same scans are used as multiple feats are within the same few pages. Some being an AP and speed feat in one.
It is quite a handful of feats. But it's because there are currently
no tiers assigned to these characters. I'm currently making character profiles for characters from the series, and so feats would affect
MOST of the characters in the series via how many characters scale. Feel free to ping me (or whatever term vs wiki uses) if even one of these feats is calced.
I would suggest calculating the speed feats in order from how they were arranged. So you can scale the second speed feat off of Imhotep's speed from the first speed feat.
Oh, also if it helps, if there's a feat involving height, Imhotep is physically about 16, Harugo is 21 (Imhotep is the darkskinned one who wears a cat hat, Harugo is the lightskinned one who covers up one of his eyes with his hair and uses a sword).
Important Edit: Upon further inspection, I realized some of these feats implied the use of calc stacking which is against the rules (I wasn't aware). So instead I have alternatives on how some of the feats can be calculated. Particularly the speed feats.
The thrid speed feat was supposed to use the speed required for Djoser to react to Harugo's attack based on the result from the second feat. Instead, I suggest basing it off the speed of the attack he used earlier within the same scene (I can't remember if it was in the next chapter, however, it was within the same fighting sequence and only a very short period of time had passed). Which
appears to be supersonic based on the fact it creates what looks like a Soundwave. Which seems to be accurate as the attack is called "Sky Echo" and before using the attack was ordered to sing:
I will admit, it's NOT the same attack the seems to use sound to attack, but it's an attack from the same source, that being Heavenly Bat (you can tell when he says Heavenly Bat before using the attack:, in addition, he's shown to combat speed relative to or superior to Heavenly Bat anyways (Heavenly bat seems to be an extension of his attacks anyway), so I think using Mach speed or maybe Supersonic for the speed of the attack Djoser reacted to is fine.
The fourth speed feat also relies on calc stacking too because I was hoping to use Imhotep's speed to get a value for his explosions since they scale to his speed. So instead, if him intercepting the explosion based on the speed at which it expanded (In one panel it was shown to grow to the size it is) and how far he had to travel can be calculated, that would be preferred. All the scans posted in the original request for the 4'th feat is what's needed
Fith speed feat has the same problem as the fourth one. I was going to scale it to Imhotep's speed, but that's calc stacking again. So instead, if you can get his speed based on how far he traveled compared to the expansion of the explosion (In order to escape it from point blank like he did) that would be preferred. All the scans posted in the original request for the 5'th feat is what's needed.