We are either overrating Magnus Carlsen with a fake fact or downplaying a chess engine with this one. A chess engine would be insanely better than Magnus. Computers like AlphaZero can play roughly 20 million matches with itself in one second. A person averagely lives for 70 years and can have 2207520000 seconds for their entire lives, dividing that by 20 million gives 110.376 seconds, meaning that a person literally has to make a chess move every 1.8396 minutes for their entire lives, just so they can match what the AlphaZero computer can do in a second. Not to mention that AlphaZero is a literal AI which gets better with each game it plays. It's like in the first 20 seconds, it will play around 400 million stupid 100 ELO games, but in the next 20 seconds, it will play new 400 million stupid games, but it would be around 200 ELO now. It gets better with each passing second.
Also, the Ayanokouji outsmarted a dedicated machine, which in the most parts would be better than a chess engine if it has an AI program like DeepMind or AlphaZero.
Edit: I just read this again, and it sounds stupid due to one reason. In every 1.8396 minutes, a human has to play an entire game, not just make a move, I downplayed AlphaZero.