I'm sorry, it appears to me that the new blog, containing the Low 7-B result, uses a panel where the crater is much bigger in relation to Youpi. But in past threads, such as
this one, the discussion and agreement of most supporters were that this panel, the first of the new blog, was the best option.
^ We can also use the official colored version, since it's much clearer.
I don't think that should be changed for a larger result for no discernable reason. It was Youpi in the crater, he was the only one there. The second scan we can barely see Youpi, and he was bowing down, making pixelscaling him impossible.
I should also mention, the logic behind his height is terrible. There is no reason to assume he is taller than Uvogin, we can pixelscale Youpi, something done in the original blog, and see he is 2.5m tall, somewhat shorter than what's assumed.
These are key problems in the new blog that makes it impossible to be indexed