"It is assumed every time stop is universal as per standars IIRC unless shown otherwise. Unknown, with game mechanichs I could keep it all day. Though based."
There are NO visual indicators for what entities Time Stop is affecting, nor where it is active in gameplay?
So the scaling chain goes?: Qliphoth passively fused Demon & Human world which are 3-A together. Demon God separated the worlds (Did Qliphoth try to stop this with its own power at the time?). Mundus ate the Fruit and killed the Demon God. (How did this fight go? Was there effort from either side?). Sparda Devil Trigger Dante beats Mundus with great effort, & ultimately Seals rather than kills.
"When his opponent can't be killed or he's out of options.He used Sealing on Mundus and BFR on Arkham, Mundus wouldn't die and relied on Dante being weaker in the human world (this weakness doesn't exist anymore) so Dante had to use sealing them.Arkham was stronger than both Dante and Vergil so Dante used BFR then, functionally the same but people consider them seperate abilities for reason."
Didn't Mundus's fight take a great deal of time and effort on Dante's efforts before he resorted to Sealing instead of trying to kill? Heck, what stops him thinking he can get Mickey to stay down by exhausting him or "maybe he can only come back so many times"?
"Because it's OOC for him normally and he doesn't know Dante resists a bunch of moves so he's likely to try to use more common in character hax first."
And Dante fought Mundus prolongedly before trying to Seal him,
What are the conditions for use of Doppelganger? How many clones can he make? Also, do you mean THIS Doppelganger?
"Skill is arguable, range isn't important since Schnee already said Mickey doesn't snipe in character and it's not like they won't be able to hit each other at the start of the battle, "
Okay, let's argue skill. Mickey is a Jedi Master, has all of his Epic Mickey Experience, all of his cartoon & other media experience, & in Kingdom Hearts alone, is a True Keyblade Master who has been fighting off Organization XIII, hoardes of Heartless, Nobodies, likely Unversed, and other evils (Including in the Realm of Darkness, where Heartless are more numerous and at their strongest.), for nearly 12 years. Precognition also helps give him an edge in combat.
The Star Wars Wiki's page says about him:
Mouse, being a Jedi Master,[2 showed exceptional skills and devotion to the Force, as well as great talent in lightsaber combat.[7] In spite of his small stature, he was powerful.[2] He was also a capable pilot, as he could fly an Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor.[12]]
[2] showed exceptional skills and devotion to the Force, as well as great talent in lightsaber combat.
[7] In spite of his small stature, he was powerful.
[2] He was also a capable
pilot, as he could fly an
Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor.
Mickey might not "snipe", but dodging, staying out of range of your opponent's attacks, and using your ranged attacks is a very simple tactic, & Mickey has used his ranged attacks to fight. (Also, I'm unsure what Schnee's basis for that claim of not using ranged attacks to fight is.)
"Duplication and teleportion gets easily countered by Dante's own."
Has Dante ever made an army of clones of himself in seconds? Also, his Teleportation has shorter range.
"Dante resist mind manip, I dunno if you can mind manip bullets tho. Dante resist petrification."
I wasn't saying petrify Dante. I was saying petrify his guns. Alternatively, bring them to life, command them like he did with brooms, & tell Dante's guns to shoot him and Mickey has done things like tell inanimate objects to do work for him.
"In short combat, which he preffers, Mickey will get destroyed and the paint brush will get destroyed too and with that he loses the EE."
And then Mickey dodges or comes back to life after Dante thinks he's dead, pulls the paint brush out of his pants anew with Hammerspace & smacks again.
And yes, Dante CAN shoot his Sealing bullets, but Mickey move further than Dante's range with them than in 1 second, as well as teleport slightly over 100 times their range. If Dante's guns are working, they're not likely to hit.
There's also the matter of Mickey possibly Time Travelling to get rid of Dante in the past, given he has the Electro Box, but I'd say that's OoC.
Regarding the dragon: How big? How is it summoned? I already tried looking it up on the DMC Wiki.