So... Based on the information in the blog, we should have the following tiers for DBH-Xenoverse scaling [ Top-God Tiers ]
Base Demigra: At least 2-B ( Without Tokitoki's assistance, warped everything in the DBH Multiverse, which includes at least countless timelines . T ) , likely/possibly High 2-A ( His power could destroy and affect "the real world" Beat is from, a supposed higher-dimension compared to the DBH Multiverse. )
Kid Buu [ Demon God ] : At least 2-B , possibly/likely High 2-A: ( Should be at least comparable to Base Goku and Demon Go Demigra [ In the trailers for DBH, Goku held his own against Final Form Demigra in Base ], as he absorbed a Demon God . )
Base Demigra ( With Tokitoki ) : At least 2-B, likely/possibly High 2-A ( Ridiculously stronger than average base Form. )
Demon God Demigra : At least 2-B , likely/possibly High 2-A ( Much stronger than Base Form with Tokitoki. )
Makyoku Demigra : At least 2-B, likely/possibly High 2-A ( Ridiculously Superior to Demon God Demigra . Casually threatened to destroy the world Beat is from . )
Chanel ( Essentially Oneshotted Makyoku Form Demigra, and was proven to be superior to Demon God-Level entities [ Such as Kid Buy w/ Demon God Dabura's power ] without the power given by the end, and was pretty much Demigra's strongest ally )
Beat& Xeno Goku [ EOS ] : At least 2-B , likely/possibly High 2-A ( Both managed to hold their own against Mkyoku Demigra E.O.S, and Final Form Demigra Mis-Series. To compare, base Demigra is capable of warping and destroying everything in DB Heroes, including the higher-dimension Beat came from. )