Okay, I'm just going to assume Samus has access to the abilities in her 7-A key and nothing more like time slow, since I'm pretty confused. I did see Somebody adding time slow to Samus' 7-A key, but he later removed it and placed it in her 5-B key instead.
Far better range attacks (Dozens of kilometers using her basic weapons Vs Hundreds of meters, likely higher)
Assuming Samus wants to spam from distance all day or mostly keep away, what stops Rias from:
- Teleporting to Samus' location if she wants to play hard to get.
- Disintegrating all of her ranged attacks before they even reach her, which would actually be quite easy since they're coming from quite a sizable amount of distance and she and others have disintegrated attacks from a much closer range.
- Projecting her demonic power around her body to disintegrate attacks that reach her.
- Flying into the air and dodging everything.
- Teleporting away from her attacks.
- Inconspicuously sending her wyverns or teleporting them to Samus' location and have them bombard her, keep her busy while she closes the distance or using Penetrate.
- Creating illusions for distractions.
- Opening one or several magic circles around Samus and teleporting her to a random location or the Underworld.
Also, Rias' range is likely several kilometers at this point...
Far more intelligent, skilled and experienced (Trained by a ancient alien race since she was a child, later in the G.F.P and eventually become famous a bounty hunter Vs a teeneger bouchu with demonic {Breasts} powers).
What I'm seeing in Samus' page is that she's a master of several kinds of combat, technology and all that. So, how does that necessarily make her far smarter than Rias? People like Sairaorg, Vali and Rossweisse are geniuses in the areas of combat they specialize in, but it doesn't make them any smarter than Rias or Sona, for example. Rias has developed strategies and quick thinking that have helped even or balance out the playing ground against blatantly superior, skilled and much more experienced foes. They have also saved the lives of her team and other guys, including against people that counter their abilities hard, regardless of the amount of pressure involved.
It's true that Samus is more skilled and experienced, but this is what Rias has been facing since her first major test against Riser, and she has gone up against legendary characters in her verse. She mostly can't take them alone due to the absurd difference in power, but this is where her intelligence, leadership and analytical thinking come into play. Does experience matter though? The protagonists in DxD are 99% of the time at an experience disadvantage ranging from decades to several thousands of years at the least.
Rias might have breast powers, but she never uses it for anything other than recharging Issei, so I don't see how it matters. Except I'm missing something here?
Energy projectiles with multiple effects (Ice, spazer {minus AoE}, phasing and waving).
All her projectiles and weapons get disintegrated.
At least 7-A vs possibly 7-A
Boost takes care of this. The "Possibly" is just conservative stuff anyway.
her pre-recognitio
Okay, this should be good in close combat, but Rias doesn't fight in melee most times. And from what I've heard it's minor.
Ice Beam/Wave Beam combination hax
I've already provided some possible reasons as to how Rias can handle Samus' ranged attacks, but assuming she does none of those, she can use fire to stop the ice from being as effective as it should be, and then shattering and regenerating the affected part of her armor. For Wave Beam, it's fine if it bypasses her armor. Issei took hits from Rizevim directly to his body and his base is pathetic compared to the other members of his team. For the Ice + Wave Beam combination, Rias can do the other things I mentioned.
resistance to durability Negation
Hmm, this shouldn't be a thing...
And powerbombs, which can literally vaporize beings on her tier
Rias has done the same to stronger characters. Grendel only had half of his head left because of his massive size.