>His experience is also pretty low. As in, maybe a day or two at most considering Part 1 takes place over the course of not very long at all and most of it was spend fighting people who were mostly having just as simplistic fighting styles as himself. Hell he may have taken hits from Tarkus but it was made abundantly clear that Tarkus was still superior to Jonathan before Zeppeli gave him his strength.
That's actually wrong, it was cut from the anime but in the manga he trained for weeks under Will in rigourous training much like Joseph had in Part 2, Dio himself a so decided to train in the manga in fact that's how he got the flashfreeze, he trained and got it, by the end of the training Jonathan looked like
Jonathan is also extremely skilled due to that training, he's almost as skilled as Will who had something like 30 years of training.
He has took hits from Tarkus, in one case he even grabbed and stopped a blow from him, he's weaker but he's stopped and blocked blows from Tarkus multipole times before getting deep pass hamon.
On another note, Jonathan being compasionate is only really a thing with Dio because he grew up with Dio and still considered him his brother (that's even said on panel on why Jonathan didnt want to fight him, it's explained clearly) despite his evil but still didnt hesitate to
vaporize him, not wanting to do soething doesnt mean he'd hesitate. He held back on Speedwagon because he was a human, literally the only reason. Bruford he didnt held back on untill Bruford became a human again, Jonathan actually picked up on this and stopped fighting him because he knew Bruford himself was no longer going to fight Jonathan as well, Bruford actively ceases the fight seconds after Jonathan begins holding back and stops his killing blow on Jonathan mid attack because Bruford gained back his humanity through hamon purifying him. The dude also doesnt give a shit and goes for the kill on any monster or undead without giving it a second thought, see that one villager, Jack, Tarkus, Doobie, Wang, literally every opponent he's fought that wasnt a human, he was also prepared to fight Dire when Dire attacked, a human.
>Aka no organ squelching or anything along those lines.
That's actually one of the few confirmed effects of hamon on those not weak to it. Every single effect of hamon can work on those not weak to it other than Regenerationn negation and the vaporizition. Meaning Jonathan can induce organ failure, mind control, control his target's body, induce instant ko, status effect, etc. If he's super charger with hamon he can induce all of this on contact, whether through him doing cpntact or his opponent doing contact.
>healing isn't passive and he needs to actively use Hamon to heal himsel, meaning that it can in fact be interrupted
It isnt passive but youre mistaken in that it can be interrupted, the healing is instant it just has to be activated, he just needs Hamon to do it. But he's always producing Hamon with every breathe and any Hamon that isnt used right away gets stored in Jonathan's body that can be called on at a whim later, even if Joathan is incapable of breathing, any stored hamon is still usable.
On another note Jonathan actually has the range advantage, Hamon can be channeled through various objects, given SBA is Central Part, a place
filled with grass, he can effectively make the entirea area a hamon landmine if he decides to channel hamon through the grass and ground. And for Jonathan not doing it a lot, he's done it in every instance he could or when being in cqc was a bad idea. Example, channeling hamon through the wall to hit Jack, channeling Hamon throgh a cliff to spook Poco, the leaves, channeling Hamon through Bruford's sword, channeling hamon through the water to hit Bruford at range, etc. There's actually plenty of examples. If Jonathan is at a disadvantage at cqc (which he wouldnt be given he just needs one direct hamon blow to win), he can and would be at the advantage at range, even in character.