- 39,708
- 15,641
After several discussion with fellow other users and the observation for the result of this match, and other re-checking, this match finally can be made, at first i'm very doubtful about this after the DAL revision adding type 8 immortality on Tohka, but now here i am, let's see how this goes folks! And the first ever OOO matches in this wiki! Also credit for Nier who made the template and inspiring me to made this kind of format
The battle between the "demon" queen with her desire for always with her beloved one forever against the "King" who didn't have any desire or selfish act and just for help the others with terrifying power of medals, who would win!!?
-Inverse Tohka and EoS Eiji/OOO are used
-Speed are equalized
-Eiji start with Tajador Combo
-Eiji can use his random combos here and have the 7 purple medals for Lost Giga Blaze finish
-Place: Yokohama Harbour Night time
-Starting range: 10 meters
Win via anything!!!
Inverse Tohka: 0
OOO: 7 (Magi, Xross, Jag, James, Link, Dio, NoMore)
Inconclusive: 0
The battle between the "demon" queen with her desire for always with her beloved one forever against the "King" who didn't have any desire or selfish act and just for help the others with terrifying power of medals, who would win!!?
-Inverse Tohka and EoS Eiji/OOO are used
-Speed are equalized
-Eiji start with Tajador Combo
-Eiji can use his random combos here and have the 7 purple medals for Lost Giga Blaze finish
-Place: Yokohama Harbour Night time
-Starting range: 10 meters
Win via anything!!!
Inverse Tohka: 0
OOO: 7 (Magi, Xross, Jag, James, Link, Dio, NoMore)
Inconclusive: 0