XV scaling : Demigra, the baseline for DBXV... Is much weaker than SSB Goku (Pre-Resurrection of F Saga) , Mira is weaker than SSB Goku (Before the Universe 6 Tournament) .
Similar scaling from the Super series for the Cast for DBS... So as of during ToP , SSJ1 (Tournament of Power) Goku would still be at least millions of times into the 2-B tier . The scaling is good... Except for Post-Tokipedia (Which happens before Broly Movie but after Tournament of Power)
Demon God Dabura >> God of Destruction Beerus & Champa (Considered them to be mere child's play in comparison, even after witnessing them going all-out) >= Future Warrior (Pre-MUI Goku, During Tokipedia Arc, Beerus calls FW2 his equal) . Even SSJ1 to SSJ2 Gohan, YAMCHA , HERCULE , Videl , and all the Trainers are at bare minimum stronger than FW1 .
Goku (Tokipedia Arc) - Goku's base surpassed Future Warrior to such a degree he was literally on the floor, downed. He needed a amp to win by Fu , and then forced Goku to use SSB , then MUI, and managed to slightly win against him.
Future Warrior then fought a Massively Amped Fu, later on . Fu oneshotted Demon God Dabura while out of energy, and is stronger than the MUI Goku from Tokipedia who should be leagues above the MUI from the ToP since he was forced to reunlock it. Then Fu got massively stronger via several other amps.
SSJ1 Kefla (Post-Tokipedia) defeated Fu without much trouble, saying " he was a warm-up " . Future Warrior fought her and beat her ,
Then the Broly Arc characters. Broly's Ikari State (Due to being Post-Tokipedia) is far stronger than SSJ2 Kefla (Post-Tokipedia) SSJ and LSSJ got a lot stronger since then, to the point he now, post-amping, has the power to even overwhelm SSB Gogeta (Post-Tokipedia) . Future Warrior beat that LSSJ
Then... FW2 beat Gogeta, Vegito ,Kefla, and Broly simultaneously while heavily handicapping themselves.
Post-Tokipedia Future Warrior (XV2) is at the very least comparable to (Post-Tokipedia) SSB Gogeta and SSB Vegito , both who represent a Post-Tokipedia fusion of Goku and Vegeta [Remember Base Goku is > Future Warrior (Tokipedia) by a lot, to the point he was borderline knocked out while Goku was completely fine and had no scratch on him] , fighting together, while holding back heavily against them. SSJ1 Kefla points this out when she fought 4 on 1 against the Future Warrior (the other being DBS Full Powered Super Saiyan Broly) , who keep in mind defeated a Amped Fu, who even when normal was stronger than Tokipedia MUI Goku and oneshotted Demon God Dabura while running out of energy.
So really it's Post-Tokipedia Future Warrior (Xenoverse 2; Fought SSB Vegito, Gogeta, FP Super Saiyan Broly , and SSJ1 Kefla together simultaneously and beat them all, even when the all broke their limits in the second half of the fight , all while heavily handicapped) >> SSB Vegito and Gogeta (Post-Tokipedia; Stupdenously stronger than FP SS Broly) >>> FP Super Saiyan Broly (Post-Tokipedia; Broly Arc happened after Tokipedia BTW, so just imagine how strong Broly is....) >>> SSJ Broly >>> Ikari Broly (by scaling is at least comparable to Post-Kefla SSJ2 Kefla)>>> SSJ1 Kefla (Post-Tokipedia) >> Massive Amped Fu >> Demon God Dabura >> Future Warrior (Post-Amp;Tokipedia) >= MUI Goku (Tokipedia) >>>>> Enraged MUI Goku (Tournament of Power) >> Limit Breaker Jiren >= MUI Goku (Tournament of Power) > Base Goku (Tokipedia) >>> Full Powered Jiren >= UIO 3rd Goku >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (and milions of overs later) SSB Goku (U6 saga) >>> Limiters Off Mira >> FW (Post-XV1) >>> Demigra (Pre-RoF;Post-BoG).