Since Armor invaded the sacred land of Worm to see if anything counts here, they lack a page but Leet definitely counts for Genius Intelligence and Preparation
Basically, his deal is that he's a Tinker, which means his superpower is to make normally physically impossible supertech, which is why "Genius Intelligence" is more a power than him being inconsistently smart or dumb
The problem with this supertech is that his shard, the source of his power, actively hates him and will lock off technology he's already made, forcing him to progress through a skill tree he has in his head. This causes him to be more cautious, which the Shard hates him more for and thus locks him into a perpetual cycle
Even when he's allowed to make his technology, some of it just fails to function correctly anyways, leading to him having a losing streak that every villain in Brockton Bay clowns on him for