alright, guys i want to explain why Khorne is so interesting to me (not as much as Nurgle thought), he and Tzeetnch are after the same thing: conflict. the difference is, that he desires a more direct aproach, he is empowered by anything that is violence, even brave heroes are Khorne's as their violent actions no matter the cause create rage and fury to the hero's enemies and the hero him/herself. Khorne does not care how you do it, but that you do it, he valuates physically fit and strong of will servants, unlike this brothers, as he seeks "humble" servants in that way. he also is not biased, if you kill of of this followers without being one yourself, he is happy to embrace you (well, as "happy" as he could be) as he is not biased; violence is all that matters. as long as it is either manmade of daemon blessed. i also had this theory about Khornate Berzerkers: he inflicts pain and rage (no BN withstanding) in order to test if this followers are strong of will, or archieve it, if you control your rage you are competent, cold, and cunning killing machine, if you don't become a steriotype, both Khorne is uncaring, as he gets the skulls and tribute he desires.
@Az & @Matt what do you guys think?