Do ya'll think the Bumblebee movie and the EU bayverse profile are good enough to be posted?
Regarding BB movie:
-The whole Earth cast tanks reentry
-BB survives Blitzwing's missiles (probably scales to the missiles that toppled a very large building on Cybertron. Someone on Comicvine (who is good at math) remembers to have calced it to be 10 tons of TNT each missile. The entire volley is 1/4 kilotons.
- BB gets hurt by a military jeep hitting him.
- BB is damaged by human harpoons and bullets.
- BB is damaged by falling off a cliff.
- BB scales to Shatter and Dropkick, who have caused some big explosions.
- Shatter dies to a small ship ramming her to a wall. BB survives (Probably wasn't rammed to a wall like Shatter was).
- BB blew a hole in a dam. Shatter survived that same missile. I think this might be impressive since the dam is strong enough to hold a lot of water?
- Shatter hides from Agent Burns' helicopter machine gun. However, it does seem thar her armor tanks a bullet hitting it in one scene. Still, she does seem to hide from bullets and missiles and such.
- Dropkick cuts Cliffjumper clean in half.
- I think it is somewhat implied (by the filmmakers) that Dropkick can solo a military group (when the duo first meet the army).
- BB stops a helicopter. Though he struggless, his feet can be seen cracking concrete. There are some impressive calcs to cracking concrete by applying force.
- Optimus has enough strength to hold on to a flying Seeker jet with one hand.
- Multiple jeeps struggle to hold BB back in the scene where BB fights the army.
So, consistently, building level or less, I guess.