Anime novel hasn't shown Jigen and Delta wth
ƒñú thats the point.
I'm the first place idk why Shinobi no Yoru and Movie novel are both being discussed on this thread.
Those are two different plots and novels. If you guys try to use both on the Momoshiki profile I will debunk it because of the fact that it would be a composite profile which is not agreed upon
In the first place did you guys actually even read all of the novels??
What you all are proposing makes literally no sense.
So no, Jigen and delta scaling to the feats won't happen even if you were speaking in general because there isn't any novel with them in it.
Lastly the 4C Momoshiki from Boruto novel 3 wont scale to Manga Naruto because the so called anime novel that you say is related to the manga hasn't even been created. 4C Momoshiki hasn't even fought Naruto in the novels because it hasn't even been created.