some stuff annoyed me enough to break out of cryo stasis
We will be banning stuff that is comedic or unserious to the point that the "story" is nonsensical.
This is vague to the point of absurdity, especially on the 'nonsensical' part. Beyond the fact that acclaimed literature like Alice in Wonderland wouldn't fit into the FCOC by these arbitrary standards, what exactly constitutes something being nonsensical, especially something being 'unserious'? I can assure you, My Little Pony but in the outback of a nuclear apocalypse' is an extraordinarily unserious and nonsensical premise to a lot of people, but for some reason or the other, this objectively insane mishmash of settings is considered fine.
I'm assuming the barrier to entry here is how seriously a story takes itself, but that isn't a good metric for gatekeeping things. The goal here, I assume, is to make the FCOC wiki less childish--but seriousness and childishness are
completely unrelated concepts. As a decent example,
Coldsteel the Hedgehog takes itself one hundred and ten percent seriously, but most can agree that it's a lot more childish (and substantively lesser literature) than A Christmas Carol, or Chronicles of Narnia, or hell, even The Hobbit; all stories with their fair share of humor. Maybe you could say if they're
completely absurd they don't fit, but what do you make of Alice in Wonderland? Do you just ban everything intentionally trying to be opaque and anti-logic? That sounds much more childish to me than just accepting the occasional cringy page.
Even I once tried to make a serious profile for an unserious work here. That being
Caleb City.
Having watched CalebCity videos, there's nothing in there that's particularly distinct from a gag manga or long-running newspaper comic. 'Unserious work' here is just a substitute for 'focuses on comedy', which is an unnecessary and insanely arbitrary standard to base the entire wiki around. While I understand wanting the wiki to be less childish, the starting premise for this rule is "being comedic is being childish"--an analysis that couldn't be shallower. If you can look me dead in the eye and say that Coldsteel the Hedgehog is a more serious and more adult piece of fiction than The Hobbit because the former is more self-serious than the latter, then I'll know you're a liar.
I suppose the last vector you could use for determining what is and isn't childish is quality, but this is (rather obviously, I hope) about as subjective as things get. The FCOC wiki advertises itself as being for amateur writers--a lot of the stuff on there isn't that good, and that's okay.
My suggestion? You try to enforce pages to have at least
something in their backstory/personality entries, even if its a one-liner. This wouldn't be a popular change, but it would actually make some effort towards improving the quality of the average character page and it would help make the wiki be more than just smashing 7-B toys together.
The better suggestion would be to bite the bullet and accept that a lot of pages will be cringy but the mod team seems to have made it clear they're not going with that route.