Accelerate420 said:
Mind, yes. Corruption, depends on the nature if it's directional or not. I'd say probably if it doesn't gimp him right away, he'll notice what's happening and reflect it. Soul, no, but again it's mechanic dependant on direction. Body Puppetry, if it requires a directional link, yes. You can probably deconstruct his body but like I said, you are NOT deconstructing his field ever regardless because it's constantly emitted from him. If you erase the field it's just going to come back right away regardless of what you 'deconstruct' unless it's his brain.
Mind, ok that's good it would have been pretty stompy if he didn't.
Corruption is basically through void energy. So
The Operator can just summon void avatars, and have them teleport inside someone, this is basically how everything starts then. If the void avatar is inside someone (either is spawned or teleports there) the current effects are applied:
1. Your soul and mind get corrupted from the void energy
2. Your mind and body are COMPLETELY under
The Operator's control.
That's the gist of it.
About the deconstruction, well obviously his mind will get deconstructed as well. It'd be pretty terrible deconstruction if it only deconstructed certain body parts wouldn't it?