Yea, I'm kinda still upset that Garou hasn't become a full monster even after all of this. It's still clear by his human eye and memories of Bang that he still hasn't become a full-blown monster. And who's left to fight him that is strong enough to turn him into a full monster? Weakened Tatsumaki, Sweet Mask, weakened Atomic Samurai, weakened Metal Bat, none of whom come nearly close to Sage Centipede barring Tatsumaki, but unless she got healed, there's no way that she'd be strong enough to handle Garou.
I think that Garou's development as a hero is awesome, and if he were established as a hero then I'd be impressed, but the webcomic made him much more menacing than the manga, and so far Garou is not menacing, just badass, which while that is still cool, it somewhat mitigates his status as the "god-level" threat.