I honestly am somewhat Neutral on the SCP verse, both as a vs debater and as a writer.
From what I gathered below, the two main points of contention include:
1. We should accept works only from the original author/authors (from I gathered, his name is Gears)
2. Accepting works from other authors that clearly contradict each other is not acceptable.
For Point 1.
But legally speaking, there is no distinction between canon from one author/multiple authors.
I am just going to blaze through the copyright.
According to the SCP-Website, they are licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Which entitles:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
In other words, the idea we separate we idea to between composite and 'extended' canon does not exist legally from my understanding.
Gears may have left the wiki, which seems to be a point on apparently we accept his work above all else.
But even legally, we cant do that.
If I wanted too, I can write an SCP right now and legally, I am allowed too with the canonicity and the copyright being delegated to me, as long as I follow the rules.
So the idea we should only use the main tales from SCP is ridiculous.
Point 2...I somewhat agree with.
There are some verses that we all know that are infamous for being just contradictory, Marvel and DC come to mind, and I guess you can argue Pokemon and Naruto in the same camp.
And while this can be answered with composite profiles, this gets into the main issue with SCP above, so not opening that can of worms.
We can also separate them into era's, similar to how we separate pre/post crisis Superman and made distinctions, not from different authors, but the different periods in SCP writing history. Not sure if weekly or anyone else can explain this viability.
The next thing, which seems to be the main consensus with extended canon bit, which while outlined above is sketchy at best and the distinction is arbitrary, you can solve most of the above with this and just separate them into keys.
If it is for any of the above, I think I am for.
If we just used just the writing from a few authors, that is us being as disingenuous as a wiki.
Possible Counter Arguments:
"Marvel/DC may have different Authors, but they are largely monitored by one company!"
What difference does that make? If we are talking about the base argument that we only count things that don't contradict each other, then apparently Marvel and DC are still doing a horrible job with PIS and Outliers, just read the outlier page if you don't believe me. The monitoring entity literally does not matter at all if we are going by a sole consistency basis.
If we are going by the idea that only accepting works from a single author/company and ignores the ones from others because they aren't official, then that either opens up two points.
1. The canonicity is defined by the owner of the copyright.
Which isn't the author, he gave that up because of the creative commons license.
2. The canonicity is defined by the people who originally wrote it.
This distinction makes no sense and a lot of verses will just be thrown aside because of this one wording.
Naruto has different authors working on it, so does Warhammer 40,000, so does Star Wars etc.
And while the only thing that all of those verses share in commons is that none 'own' the copyright, merely licensed it.
SCP copyright does not exist in the context of one author, but multiple.
And if you have an issue with contradictions, read the outlined.
"All works not done by the author is inconsistent!"
Then you call out outliers, PIS, or CIS and work around it.
Don't dismiss work from the others authors because it isn't canon. If we are arguing for consistency here, then a lot of verses have made this mistake before, which is why we don't call some feats on here legitimate.
"SCP profiles right now are badly inconsistent because of all them being composite, so should we not use composite profiles."
I mean, a lot of verses with composite profiles are just inconsistent as a whole. I don't talk about Link in the same way or Mickey Mouse. If we gave SCP such tough treatment, might as well toss out all other composite profiles for the same reason.
"If it's from a tale, it's not canon unless Gears wrote it. It's certainly not from the article itself."
This one is from Reddit and I hate being a broken record, combined with the original complaint made by Kepekley.
"Only scale tales to the articles if they were written by the original author."
Not targeting Kepekley here, I think he is normally making a valid point.
But even if we separate his canon from the other canon, this itself leads to most of the verse being thrown aside because of this arbitrary definition.
Plus, if this distinction mattered because of consistency, see the point where I say we should separate PIS, CIS, Outliers etc OR just make extended profiles.
I will only reply to comments from Dargoo Faust, Weekly or Kepekley (only because I addressed you, you have a right to counter.)
Anyone else, if you wanna argue with me, I will ignore for efficiency sake. Not cuz I don't think you are making a bad point.
This is also personal to my heart.
I plan to post my work/world with the same creative license.
And the reason why I love vs debating is the situations it creates. Arguing for who can win from a pool of abilities, seeing which counters what or what stats counter which stars. IE: Someone may be city level, but his opponent is MFTL+ and the guy who is city level is supersonic.
To be honest, arguing for my verse sake when I do publish my work and where only my work is canon, while flattering, is not how creative writing works for me.
I am in favor of extended canon profiles, that is it.
And each individual contradiction should be outlined by experts in the verse.
You don't see me commenting on Warhammer 40k stuff because of the at the core level, being the same issue. IE: Verse has multiple authors, seems to be overly convoluted etc.
Because I don't know about it."