Well, Adam is dead (but we thought Cinder was dead last Volume so....). Apparently this show have a hate boner for those who have redlike hair like Pyrrha, Roman, Penny and now Adam.
Also, Aura is still very much inconsistenet, because in the Vytal festival where everyone was using their Semblance, I didn't notice their levels display on the board going down.
And a Godzilla Grimm, well they need something so that the crew won't become enemies of Atlas & Argos after they help against the monster. Nothing Caroline did was really wrong because she was just going to apprend them for all the things for taking their property, attacking a high ranking general, and killing Atlas soliders around the radio tower except they didn't kill Atlas soliders (though since Adam is gone and unless they have camera filming what really happened, they could still be blamed) but in her mind, they attacked the Atlas military. She could have simply called in reinforcement to aid her in the beginning of the fight but arrogance and whatsnot.
This was a decent episode, I like that the writers actually remembered that Grimm are attracted to the relic and how Ruby took down the cannon was decently clever. Now thanks to Team RW, JNR and Oscar and Maria and Qrow for disabling the one of the best chance of taking down the Kaiju in a monster battle, how will they be able to stop Godzilla, weakned and exhausted they are from the battle. How can they stop the invading Grimm as they are since their Aura are either gone or weakened severely.