Reinhard birthday q&a is
Some interesting things:
"Q: I know that Reinhard lost the Blessing of the Phoenix, and gained the Next Blessing of the Phoenix, but if he lost the Next Blessing of the Phoenix, would he gain another new Blessing of the Phoenix, as you'd expect?
A: He would. They should go on becoming the Next Next."
We already knew this, basically sword jesus reinhard is unkillable.
"Q: Can Reinhard make up blessings himself? Or is he given them from blessings that already exist?
A: When Reinhard feels a blessing is needed, Od Laguna creates it and gives it to him. Sometimes there are errors in conveying his intention, and he doesn't get a proper blessing."
Reinhard's blessings are granted to him based on how od laguna interprets his intentions.
"Q: In a situation where all his blessings are taken away and he's dueling only with his sword skills, who could beat Reinhard? (His opponent has no blessings either)
A: Spoilers."
Hints that reinhard might lose his blessings
Q: If Reinhard's blessings went away, around how strong would he be?
A: Even if all the little tricks were lost, he'd be about the same as he is now."
Even without his blessings he would still be strong.
"Q: Can Reinhard walk while avoiding being hit by the rain?
A: He can."
Probably a good speed feat
"Q: If you threw Reinhard into space, how would that turn out?
A: He'd adapt."
So reinhard can survive in space
"Q: Is Reinhard, too, influenced by the Authority of Gluttony?
A: He is. Blessings cannot overcome authorities."
So seems authorities are just broken, which is why he is also affected by gluttony's authority, also explains why he couldn't just get a blessing to beat regulus.
"Q: In the event that Reinhard died, where would the Blessing of the Master Swordsman go...?
A: Spoilers."
More hints of reinhard being losing his blessings in the future.