people seem to like using these arguments a lot
to properly explain why the argument
anything goes in fiction is wrong
In this case/for the sake of our argument, we are talking about the part of worldbuilding related to the fictional universe's physics.
-wiki definition
Worldbuilding is the process of constructing an imaginary world associated with a fictional universe, developing an imaginary setting with coherent qualities is a a key aspect when writing a story and it often involves the creation of geography, a backstory, power system, species, inhabitants, technology history ect
world building is a fascinating aspect in literature since as long as you're good enough it can have no limits and it can encompass quite the diverse settings the world could encompass different planets spanning vast distances of space multiverses kingdomes or even be limited in scope to a single small village, the bigger and the world the more mysteries behind it and the deeper it's lore is the better the world building is, but that's beside the point
-wiki defintion
there is also what we called
inferred world building where authors allow the readers to figure out the details of the fictional world which contains the fictional media they're consuming
what people ignore is this
this goes with everything, anime, manga, VN; movies etc. The author puts various hints and detailes in the story and the reader has to put together the puzzle pieces if some are missin, this is why theories exist and they keep the readers interested curious in the fictional story they're reading, that's why every reason should be analyzed before saying something is inconsistent an outlier, complete utter nonsens etc
let's set out the definition of a fictonal universe first
Within this fictional universe the characters/inhavitant perform actions that we called feats, a term used whenever a character performs an action that gives us information about his stats, LS AP speed INT range skills etc
keeping that in mind, the author has to create new characters, abilities ,settings or rules in the universe first before saying anything about/ giving any character in his fictionam story any abilities, He cant just make stuff up for established characters, for example, he can't suddenly say "rem had the ability to pause time for 60 minutes ever since VOL1 and she could have used it whenever she wanted" , that would just be ignored as
utter nonsens
creator statements dont always supersede their work as It laregely depends on if the statement makes sense for that universe, in which case the fictional work should be checked for accuracy and for how consistent it is with the statement, the basis of how matter behaves in the re: zero world is the same as in our universe through the world building provided, so what's physcaly impossible here is also physically impossible there unless there is something in the fictional universe in re zero to prove otherwise, such as dodging attacks 180 times faster than you really, just give out any explanation other than "it's fiction, everything goes", use feats abilites context power system,
basically don't use the "it's fiction, everything goes" argument, it's bs especially considering we use reality to explain fiction, we use physics, measurements , math etc to properly index characters which is unavoidable because that's the foundation for the concept of worldbuilding and is what determines the way matter behaves in that ficntional uni
This is why we always use real-life calculations and observations no matter how many times a person says,
"she can dodge a heavy rain storm because it's fiction" or "
she can dodge attacks septillion times faster than her with pure skill because it's fiction" it won't add anything to your point, matter in a fictional world as well as it's laws and physics is the same at the basic level as matter in our world. Some of the fictional aspects that authors add in their fictional universe such as KI chakra magic mana etc just has different properties which allow for the supernatural to happen thus most of the same calcs and observations are applied depending on the properties of these supernatural properties
the feat shown here isn't supported by any supernatural property, it's as basic as it gets, it's character A who is appearently dodging character B who is 180 times faster than he is because
talent and intuition teehee
that is BS and should be ignored till proven otherwise lmao, yeet it away and kill it with fire