Matthew Schroeder said:
You still cannot understand that these are feats for SMT demons which do not scale to the Personas.
>These are feats for SMT demons
Ok, what?
Are you seriously about to tell me that a persona, telling a Persona user, that by becoming their mask they will grant them specific powers and abilities, somehow scales to a completely unrelated Smt demon they are presumably based off of (as in the same model is used and noting else indicates this, in universe, they're based on the mythological beleifs of people in general, not necessarily any creature that already exists)?
How exactly?
Again, all statements posted are by Personas in Persona 5. (I've already stated this, did you not read)
Are you some kind of broken record and or bot?
Like, would feats by a Persona in the anime and or games or something, scale to the same demon in SMT, 'cus that seems like what you're arguing for. And even if that wouldn't upgrade anything it's still completely nonsensical.
If say Arsene, or the first pixie you got, or something said they had enough power to destroy something, Would you seriously tell me, "No actually, that's a feat for the SMT demon and scales to them, they can't do that doe"
Could you at least provide some evidence for your claims?