This is kinda important for on going thread can anyone please translate this raws it is the talk between king kai and goku in dbs episode 43
遅 発 性 乱 気 症 じゃ な
遅 発 性 ?
でたらめ な 気 の 使い 方 を する と
何 日 か 遅れ て 気 の コントロール が
ままならなく なる こと が ある ん じゃ よ
でたらめ って
10 倍 だ ~ ! !
界 王 拳 か ?
まあ 、 筋肉 痛 みたい な もん じゃ から
しばらく すれ ば 勝手 に 治る
治る が
お前 な
界 王 拳 は 10 倍 だ と か 無 茶 し て 使っちゃ 駄目 だ ぞ
しばらく って 、 どん くれ え だ ?
さあ の
はっきり し て くれよ 、 界 王 さま
その うち 全 王さま の 格闘 試合 が あん だ から よ
だからこそ 安静 に し て おれ と 言 っと る ん じゃ !
界 王 拳 も そう じゃ が
お 主 何でも
この 間 の 格闘 試合 で
何 秒 か 先 を 読 ん で おった そう じゃ な
そういう 無理 ばかり し とる と まずい ん じゃ ぞ
自分 でも 気付か ない うち に
意識 と 感覚 が ずれ て
まとも に 戦え なく なる ん じゃ ぞ
I just wanna be sure is the subtitles correct and matching with the raws
It's not tardive asthma.
Delayed onset?
When you use your chi the wrong way.
If you use your chi improperly, you can lose control of your chi after a few days.
It's a condition in which you lose control of your temper after a few days of inactivity.
Ten times over! What is that?
Well, it's like a sore muscle.
It'll heal on its own after a while.
It will heal.
But you...
You can't use the World King Fist ten times or something like that.
What do you mean, "a while"?
I don't know.
Let me get this straight, Mr. World King.
You're going to have to fight a tournament with all the kings in the near future.
That's why I told you to rest!
The same goes for the World King's Fist.
You know what?
You were in a fight the other day.
I heard that you were a few seconds ahead of me in the fight the other day.
You're not good if you keep taking things too far.
Before you know it.
Your consciousness and your senses will be out of alignment.
You will lose the ability to fight properly.
I threw it to my friends to make sure of this and they said there was no problem.