The Ethereal Divide (1-C)
Each Realms are seperated by a
interdimensional ethereal Realm called the Ethereal Divide, who's also known as the Nothing Space. Its
the fabric of reality who seperates all of the 16 Realms from each other. The Divide is used by Dragons or Traveler's Tea users to travel in-between the Realms and it also encompass all of the Realms, and Realms are connected by a path that only goes through Ethereal Divide
Which means that Ethereal Divide is of a higher dimensional nature, let's remember that this isn't the only thing that proves this, in Dragon rising Season 1 Episode 1,
Mergequakes storm merged all realms and affect all reality. The higher realm was unaffected by the Mergequakes storm and merging the realms.
It has its own separate temporality than realms. This is demonstrated by a Mergequakes powers. Since a Mergequakes only work with a
higher temporal dimensions, which was able to merged all realms and make them have one time, even though they had a
time with a different flows, and is and it
cloud destroy all of reality.
Take a look at this diagram for how Ethereal Divide work.
Before merging
After merging
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I made now a blog explaining in detail why the cosmology should be 1-C.
- The Ethereal Divide is 1-C due to it is space is of a higher dimensional nature with not affected by Mergequakes storm which only work with a higher temporal dimensions, and encompassing 17 universes within itself.