”His sunlight attack would have wrecked my armour.” Given Tokoyami’s gifted way of speech, he’s basically saying that Dark Shadow would’ve been done for if he was actually hit. Which he wasn’t. Since he wasn’t done for. And never took a hit. Since they’re out of range. Either way, even if it did hit, no one reacted to it and Dark Shadow was already in front of the group before the attack went off, so he didn’t react to it either. Explain why Deku isn’t going “BAZZTZTZTZTZTZTZT” like all the other teams are if they actually got hit. Unless Dark Shadow carries the properties of being made of rubber and can completely stop transference of electricity from him to TKonami, then the whole team would’ve gotten shocked regardless if they were actually in range.
O’clock’s perception is much faster than his speed.
Yes. Aizawa sees the enemy completely covered in electricity in the previous page, and is blinded by the electricity, so he jumps backwards, and then the enemy attacks. He’s jumping out of range before the attack. He isn’t outspeeding the attack. Unless you’re saying Aizawa is suddenly a lobotomite and doesn’t think about jumping back when his enemy is completely coveted in electricity until the enemy begins attacking. I’d also like to know how far Aizawa was compared to the eel guy before the scene.
Weird how so many “feats” need to be justified by turning the characters into lobotomites.
1-Given Tokoyami's gifted way of speech, if he meant literally destroyed, he would have said that and he would not have said wrecked which is a word used more ambiguously to simply say that something would hurt him a lot, (
https://www.lexico.com/definition/ wreck) Which, in fact, you can see what happens, as Dark Shadow is crying. Or are those tears also just a visual adornment as it is apparently the electricity that reached him ?
And I ask again, are we now taking what the students said literally? Because I guess that makes Bakugo the strongest of BNHA. In any case, even if Tokoyami did think that he would literally destroy him, we are talking about a tokoyami who, for all we know, had never fought someone with a light-generating quirk before.
And if I'm not being clear, yes, tokoyami must be able to block electricity to some extent for this feat, or do you have any MANGA canon information that says what is the physical composition of Dark shadow that contradicts that? or is it just a ... you know, headcanon of yours
2-Yes, but still Overclock sees the bullets in slow motion, like snails, and is seeing the blows as more dynamic things, his speed of perception should show you that Rappa blows are faster than ordinary bullets.
By the way, do you have the scan where it is confirmed that the overclock perception speed is higher than his combat speed?
3-The whole argument of this is based on believing that the villain first generated a little electricity to cover himself and much later he fired it completely, which is not implicit in the manga at all.
If that's the case, why instead of jumping he just don't erased his quirk? Do you have any proof of this outside of "Is that Aizawa couldn't be that fast"? or is just a ... headcanon?
All the comment of the characters being lobotomites does not fit here, he would be a lobotomite for not trying to erase the villain's quirk.