So, you don't think she can copy? Well, let's us get to an actual debate.
Don't confuse AP with Hax. So, let's get the juice. I believe we all should remember the famous
Hax resistance during versus matchups with
Antvasima and several other Mods and Admins on Vsbattle. We should remember that the entire point of the thread was to see if found
Here was to make sure that hax resistence just because someone was in a higher tier doesn't mean automatically are resistance to any hax from a lower tier characters.
The famous words by
Ryukama, which was agreeded upon by not only
Antvasima, but majority of others.
Anyways I agree with a lot of people here. We can't assume that someone will always negate a durability negating hax from anyone weaker than them as that would be a blatant NLF.
However' we also can't say that a durability negating hax will just work on anyone who hasn't directly resisted that specific power (which I see used far more often on this site) as that also reaches NLF. I mean it's starting to get to a point where I wouldn't be surprised if some people have a Tier 9 with petrification 'curbstomp' a 2-B because he's never directly shown to resist it.
It's about finding a balance and determining characters on their own 'in' a case by case basis. Rather than trying to create one set standard as a whole that applies to everyone ever." <-said by
Celestial Pegasus you were apart of this famous thread. Let's not forget about your quote too.
I don't believe that being stronger automatically grants you resistance to hax, 'i' think that's absurd, just because you're universal, doesn't give you mean you have a strong soul or something that prevents you from having your soul destroyed, being strong has nothing to do with resisting your mind being shut down, or being atomized.
However 'i' think it gets complicated when we are talking about higher dimension beings, 'an higher' dimension being is infinitely above that of a lower dimension being, so 'i' question whether a lower dimension being hax can work on a higher dimension being, 'i' think in this case if it's 'an higher' dimensional being, unless the lower dimensional has shown the ability to affect higher dimensional entities, then we can't assume their hax can hurt the higher dimensional being." <-said by
Celestial Pegasus.
2. So, now we get to the juicy part. Where is the proof that Medaka can use her abilities on someone of a higher tier? Well, thankfully Medaka last CRT. We were able to solve many problems especially the issue with Medaka copying abilities of beings from a higher dimension or separate dimension entirely found
Monarch Laciel, and many other mods were there to help solve issues in the CRT which one being Medaka able to copy abilities such as from Ajimu and Iihiko <-- Ajimu being Unknown tier, but the fact she Ajimu transcends everything else on Medaka Box and everybody is nothing but ink and paper, but also Iihiko who exceeded on entirely different dimension.
3. So, yes Medaka has indeed show proof of her being able to use her copying hax on beings in a higher dimensional playing field. So, I'll ask this again, where is Keishirou's resistance to his abilities being copied.