I'm so confused
If SBG = same exact power as SSG without turning red, then SSG becomes a redundant form. The issue is with how that form works. If it's simply pumping out ki equivalent to SSG, then logically that means all other transformations are stronger (and therefore all other forms keep their multiplier with respect to the original SSG power level which is stupid.) If it's just perfect ki control, then it can't be SBG because they would turn red, and the god forms
possess godly ki which can
only be sensed by other gods.
The issue I have with the way this quote is being used is that Damage assumes this means a black-haired Saiyan using SSG-
like power. Whereas from the manga itself, Bulma states Goku
doesn't look any different (and others say minus the hair.) I think SSG also satisfies the description for "not changing form." "
It is said that Saiyans can gain control of god-like power" is literally the description of the legend of Super Saiyan God. How could anybody say "
it is said" when that form hasn't been displayed to us through the main Saiyans? That information would have to
long pre-date what we already know.
SBG as an entirely brand-new base form (at the time of him unlocking SSG) doesn't make sense because SSG is still the strongest thing Goku has. Beerus telling Goku to train and
get stronger also doesn't make sense if he was capped out before becoming a god, and the ritual is the only way he knows how to become one. The only way Beerus can expect Goku to do that is if his power cap was increased and he can achieve power close to that of SSG, or increase the power he already has by some arbitrary amount which would strengthen the SSG form.