Thors hammer also has triple digit Mach feats. Quicksilver notably sees Mjolnir fly in slow motion.
Flight speed only, as of the assumption that Thor can ride Mjolnir at those speeds, which I am fine with. But, only flight speed. The hammer has never shown to travel at those speeds at being thrown, only when it flies on autopilot on its way back to Thor, and even then, when there was a super massive distance between them (Thor was on another world).
No MHS Thor, and no scaling Pietro to Thor. Pietro's faster anyway.
Hulk is Subsonic at a minimum. The speed of his leaps and charges is far greater than a human's. He also fought both Loki and Ultron, who's speeds scale to Iron Man, Ultron is even superior to Iron Man in every way.
Hulk's fight with Hulkbuster shows them at equal speed, but Hulkbuster is a lumbering giant.
Hulk has never fought Ultron, to my knowledge, beyond jumping to a moving quinjet and punching him out of it.
He's portrayed slower than Thor in their fight. Then again, Thor was outmoving Iron Man too, except when Iron Man shoots the repulsors on to fly or move to a different spot.
No, powerscaling in Civil War can be legitimate. Be reasonable. We do know that Spider-Man is stronger than Bucky since he casually stopped his punches, that Cap and Panther are comparable with Panther being more durable, that Vision and Wanda are equal, and that Cap's shield is strong enough to shatter Tony's armor.
Powerscaling is iffy in CW, but some make sense, i think.
Spidey >> Bucky for casually catching his metal arm. Regardless, he has his own feats in his own movie.
Cap and Bucky don't scale to Iron Man as that suit was seemingly potrayed weaker than his others, as it was shown to be meant to pacify, not full-on battle. It was even shown and implied multiple times that their gear weren't meant for such.
- Hawkeye's arrows that cause tiny explosions
- Iron Man's muffled repulsor sound instead of the regular high-pitched one
- The pathetic repulsor not even making a singe on the wall after an extended beam
- War Machine's having to switch to a different weapon to ruin the truck (his regular ones have this weird smoke trail after it with the muffled sounds, and the one that ruined the truck really sounded like guns, guns and more guns)
- Panther's durability can scale from either getting pelted by bullets from a helicopter-mounted (correct me if it wasn't a helicopter) gun, and his AP while enough to tango with Cap and Bucky, doesn't really seem to do much to them, sans claws. The claws however have the feat of scratching Cap's shield beyond the paint job (it had dents where the claws hit iirc, does anyone have a close up of that?). I'm good with him being Street level physically, while higher with claws.
Wanda may have controlled Vision's forehead gem though, considering her powers came from it, and it
glowed a different color prior to being drop in the friendzone hole.
Also, Thor appeared frozen in Quicksilver's perception of time and I thought Thor was calculated to be as fast as Mjolnir?
Thor was notably moving faster than anyone else in Pietro's vision sans repulsors. Hell, Thor's hair moves faster than Iron Man's arm. That says a lot.
Play that thing at 0.25x speed and look at Thor.
Oh, and Ultron's flight speed being comparable to Pietro's running in that scene is not to be taken into consideration here. Pietro had to account for turning while Ultron doesn't.