Godhand1999 said:
Dr.Eggman should win for the following: He can produce replicas of his opponents, He's got life force absorption, Mind manipulation, and Transmutation
He's also got Time Eater and Eggman is of higher intelligence. Therefore, Eggman will be able to outsmart Bowser and lead him into a trap more easily. Eggman should wrap this up and win it for good.
Low 2-C negs cloning as he can't create something of Bowser's level.
Life Force Absorption requires the extractor, which given its name I can assume is something that drains from the planet.
Mind manipulation is a fair win, but only from the Egg Mobile.
Bowser resists transmutation.
Intellect only takes you so far in a random encounter, and booksmarts isn't the same as battle intelligence. And Bowser isn't an idiot himself.