Well, here we go.
Quirk Name: Sensation
Sensation is an emitter type quirk, which enables the user to enhance or diminish his or someone elses senses. This is good for spying, torture and combat. However, it is very rare and has only one reported user. For the quirk to work, the user must, with a great deal of concentration, use his brain waves to counter or enlarge his targets nervous system's capabillities for a period of time at max, 20 minutes. (Note: Like Aizawa's quirk, the timeframe decreases by a minute each time it is consecutively used.)
Limitations: Although this quirk may seem very O.P, it has many flaws and limits. As i said earlier, it requires much concentration, which can be easily disturbed. If he is interupted in the middle of the process, it can damage his brain permanently, causing the shutdown of his entire nervous system. Secondly, If he uses or attempts to grow or shrink one particular sense too much, it can result in the temporary "blocking" of that particular sense of his, ie. temporary numbness,(inability to feel objects.) Thirdly, it requires a large amount of mental fitness, in other words, a high iq. If the mind is not in constant peak strength, it can result in the quirk not properly working, or not activating at all. Finally, if the user tries to enhance or diable all senses at once, it can have a severe backlash and cause the user to slip into unconsciousness shortly after.
Equipment: Other than his costume, nothing really. His suit encases his body, his head in particular, in a strong thick but a light easy to move in metal alloy, to protect and not let him get distracted by attacks. On a side note, he carries a mental chess board with him, (something of his own creation),to keep his mind active.
Special Move One: Touch Torture- a victim is given enhanced senses of touch and pinched, resulting in immense pain and discomfort.
Special Move Two: Intensive Isolatio- a victim loses all senses and is either left to go insane, or used to catch an oponent off guard and deal the finishing blow.
Special Move Three: Eyes and Ears- If surrounded by enemies, the user uses this to temporarilly take away his oponents sights and hearing and make a getaway. It is also good for hit and run.
Special Move Four: PainKiller- The name should say it all. If the user is in immense discomfort, he can use his quirk to numb the pain and fight on as if he were at a 100%, for a while. If he recieves more wounds or is overcome with fatigue, this will overide the numbness effect and he will pass out.
ULTIMATE MOVE: Deadly Drawback- This is like a watered down version of ultra instinct. The user for a short period of rougly 5 mins, will be in a highly alerted state where it will be almost, (note: almost) impossible for him to be hit or beaded on. However it has two big flaws.
A. Since this form requires much energy and effort, the user can't try to grow or take away someone elses senses. If he makes an attempt, the effort will overextend him and he will pass out.
B. This is where the form gets it's name from. Remember how I earlier stated that if the user activates all his senses at once he will pass out shortly after? Well, the same rule applies here. If he can't finish his oponent during the 5 mins he has, he is virtually finished.
Thats about it.
I would like your opinons guys. Please comment.