Hoo boy, I see we're contesting Demacian Justice again, let's throw all this up-
- Using the "but the old version
was a physical sword, and the new one isn't!" argument is blatantly false.
In the very video you linked, Demacian Justice is very obviously made out of energy, as made evident by its transparency, stopping above the ground (not hitting it or breaking anything) and spinning in place, etc. Either way, the Twist of Fate cinematic doesn't match up.
Hell, the new animation seems to fit
more, if anything, as one could easily conceive of some giant sword mass contained within sword-shaped holy energy, dispersed upon impact as one would anticipate an object colliding at such high speeds to. Note: it "shines with" righteous energy, not "is" righteous energy. At least, not necessarily-
Though, even as it is in-game, it doesn't change what we see with our own two eyes in the cinematic.
- Area-of-effect fallacy has never been a valid reason to discount feats... in any verse. Why is this being brought up now?
- Not sure if anyone actually watched the cinematic linked (or even saw the picture in the calc, for that matter), but
there's a twinkle in the sky far above the clouds. Just assuming cloud height doesn't really cut it here, no.
As far as the particular cloud height assumed, I only went by what people I would consider far more intelligent than myself suggested...
- Summoner's Rift being non-canon doesn't mean that characters don't get gameplay feats. This is the difference between "could" something happen (in theory, seeing as it did pre-reboot within the lore proper), and "did" something happen (which, post-reboot, it has not. Hence, we don't scale characters to each other without substantial reason.)
Speaking of substantial reason,
- Garen is a literal nobody, just about, relative to the other champions as far as prevalence/importance in the verse power-wise goes, both before and after the rework. I don't really see why we would assume a relatively unimportant guard captain is many dozens of times stronger than most of the plot-important characters in the verse, who are consistently considered a bigger deal... so why don't they scale, again?
Assuming that Garen is so much vastly stronger than characters he has no business being stronger than- read, most of them- is contradictory to even the new lore, in which he is demonstrably not so.
(Even if this wasn't the case, for whatever reason, I can probably go back and find the feats that made Multi-City Block and Mach 90 consistent back in the day, so its not at all as if they're incredibly weak fodder or whatever it is people seem to assert. That's why Garen's was never an outlier...)
- This feat being from a cinematic fails to invalidate it, as no context is inherently tied to said cinematic. We don't use, say, the cinematic for the Dominion game mode because doing so would imply that what happens in Dominion is in fact canon- however, as the context for A Twist of Fate only extends so far as "Some Champions fight." Nothing here is contradictory to the lore.
- The fact that their attacks have parity with one another at all- or that Katarina in this instance doesn't explode into paste from being near the Area of Effect and required that Garen try to strike a finishing blow- should be demonstration enough that, even if this particular attack happens to be stronger, the rest of their attacks/durability are not no far behind as to warrant this only counting as a "finishing move", seperate from the rest of it. The entire point of AP is to find the character at the their strongest, barring outliers and whatnot, this is already factored into the equation. We don't assume that every single swing that character makes is equivalent to their maximum potential unless the feat putting them there was also casual.
- Yes, Katarina did react to this at nigh-point blank range. Every single portrayal of this technique thus far both in and out of game drops the attack directly onto Garen's target regardless of dodging, etc.(as per a homing technique), Katarina had not begun to dodge yet the last we had seen, and Katarina does not have a gigantic hole in her head or elsewhere- in fact, if you watch the video in slow motion, you can see her falling along with the rest of the rubble into the pit, seemingly wounded/dazed by the impact of the sword itself nearby- notably, not directly impaled.
All of this said, because it does in fact require assumptions in order to most accurately be evaluated for what it is, I would be in favor of downgrading League's base-line feat to better fit the low-end of the calc, if anyone else bothered to make a case for it, since the assumptions required are safer.
I can even see an argument for using the speed we see in-cinematic, rather than the speed presented in-game, potentially, based on the whole "same demonstration of speed" thing that applies to some instances of Calc Stacking-
Just, please, no more arguments from incredulity... all they ever do is make everybody involved salty.
P.S. Weekly, please stop calling thread-goers "poor ignorant souls" and liking your own posts, in the future. Its obnoxious and condescending, to speak frankly, and as an Administrator one should act as a role model for other people on this site.