Episode 35:
- Master of Logos teleported people and a bunch of furniture.
- THS Blades vs Durandal:
THS Blades can control his ice powers without needing to move his body or his sword. When Durandal attacked the ice wall, it froze Kaiji and his whole body. Durandal def. THS Blades with a distraction.
- Bacht one shot and de-transformed Sabela and Durandal in his Phoenix Form. He can transform into his phoenix form from his human form.
- Kenzan blindsided Falchion and able to drop him. Further proves that Falchion has bad defense due to the power gap between Falchion and Kenzan.
- Falchion de-transformed Caliber Jaou Dragon and hurt him badly. Caliber tanking Falchion last episode is probably an outlier. Falchion also de-transformed Kenzan without needing a finisher.
- Saber vs Falchion:
ED Saber and Falchion went even. Emotional Dragon Saber makes a return! This fight actually played to the specs of Emotional Dragon really well. Emotional Dragon is designed to be really good against people that is deemed evil. His shield nullified Falchion's high damage. Rekka glows up while fighting him, probably recognizing his evil. As a result, Emotional Dragon AP amps and de-transform Falchion without using a finisher. Falchion teleported away.
- Oh nonono the bridge scene
- Touma destroyed the seal thingy with Rekka. This also unsealed everyone's swords.
- The blade Master of Logos used inflicted visions to everyone. His Omniscient Tome is still incomplete.
Episode 36:
- Looks like the Omni-Force Book completely engulfed the skies with dark clouds with frequent lightning bolts but no rain. Master of Logos cleared all those clouds too. This reached from somewhere in Japan to northpole.
- Solomon vs ED Saber, THS Blades, Saikou X Swordsman, Slash and Buster.
Buster, Slash and Saikou's finishers did nothing to Solomon. Solomon's finisher (Solomon Slash) didn't de-transform any of them. (With his power, this might be an outlier in the future)
- Solomon summoned books all across the world. THS Blades' finisher did nothing against these books. Master of Logos' real name is Isaac. He used these books to communicate to the world.
- Rekka is shown to be able to track the other swords. This is probably because of Rekka awakening. Awakened Rekka is probably also the reason why Touma has been getting special abilities. (Seeing Durandal's movement, now tracking the other Swordsmen)
- Solomon vs Sabela and Durandal
Solomon can attack Durandal WITHIN his Ocean History Time thing. Solomon can grab Sabela in her smoke form. Saber and Blades join the fight. They lose.
Saikou then saved them by intercepting and blocking (possibly absorbing?) Solomon's finisher (Solomon Break). Teleported everyone to safety.
- Note: Yuri said that everyone and their swords need to work together to get unlock the final sword. With Ikazuchi abandoned, we might see Caliber dual wielding Kurayami and Ikazuchi OR new Espada (Mei?).
Updated Scaling Chain:
Saber (Pre-Rekka Awakening) = Blades = Espada < 2 Volume Saber, Blades and Espada < 3 Volumes Saber, Blades and Espada ~ Buster (Pre-Southern Base), Slash (Pre-Southern Base), Kenzan (Pre-Southern Base) < Saber Dragon Arthur =< Calibur (Daichi) =< Saber Dragon Alangina =< Crimson Dragon Saber = Dragon Eagle Arthur Saber = Fantastic Lion Blades = Golden Alangina Espada ~ Buster Genbu Jackun = Slash Hansel Bremen = Kenzan Ninja Butasan << Calibur Jaou Dragon (Daichi) << Dragonic Knight Saber (Pre-Rekka Awakening) = Base Saber (Awakened Rekka) = Buster (Southern Base) = Slash (Southern Base) = Kenzan (Southern Base) = Base Blades (Southern Base) << Crimson Dragon Saber = Fantastic Lion Blades =< Buster Genbu Jackun = Slash Hansel Bremen = Kenzan Ninja Butasan =< Dragonic Knight Saber (Awakened Rekka) = King Lion Daisenki Blades (Pre-Awakened Nagare) =< Saikou/Shadow <<< Saikou X-Swordsman =< Calibur Jaaku Dragon (Kento) < Calibur Jaou Dragon (Kento) =< Sabela = Primitive Dragon Saber < Elemental Dragon Saber = King Lion Daisenki Blades (Dual Wielding Awakened Nagare and Awakened Rekka) =< Durandal < Tategami Hyoujuu Senki Blades =< Falchion < Emotional Dragon Saber w/amps <<<<< Solomon
Emotional Dragon is very hard to put in this because it only fought against Falchion. I'll say Falchion < Emotional Dragon w/amps to be completely sure. Solomon is clearly way above every other rider. Another thing to note is that Kenzan is on the same level as Buster and Slash in terms of power (the three are outclassed by everyone) but he's the only one of the three to hurt anyone of the other seven riders so far. Desast also commented that he got stronger (probably by fighting Desast all the time). Also, even though Saikou below most of the other riders, he can really be useful with his speed.