Black Hole thing I was mentioning earlier (I had this pixel-scaled for a good while now... just ended up not feeling like calc'ing it)
While no one can scale to the energy required to manifest the Black Hole, I figured the damage its (suppressed) gravitational waves caused could still scale. Both to Tengen's barriers for withstanding the gravitational force, and Kenjaku who before activating his anti-gravity stuff could withstands its force from point-blank (Albeit, it was smaller before that, so I guess it's questionable).
Judging from the destruction, I figure it could be Large Town, maybe City level. Mid-way through I realized I don't think I'd be up for the task of calc'ing it, but if someone wants to use my pixel-scaling they can (Idk if what I used as a reference was the most accurate, I just figured that storey I px scaled was the closest thing to the Black Hole).
I haven't read this far, so I couldn't say with certainty who scales to it.