A fuckton. Half are just "I'm lazy", but a few are like "damn this sure is ******* obnoxious" due to a lack of sufficent panels and views.
In the manga a secret feat is when Jonathan punched Bruford in the water, he parted the lake, contrary to the anime he Bruford just got launched out of it. This one might be good, but it's super annoying to calc.
There's also stuff like Plat punching out a cable car except I just remembered I finished that nvm.
Yukako bursting out of the cliff with her hair could be nice, the house crush is also neat, especially given we're flatout told she could, in fact, crush it (Though it's stated to be something she can only do when angry, her range and power grow while angry, much like Chariot, CD, Plat, a bunch of dudes actually, etc).
A few feats could do with recalcs just for better pixel scaling and math like Secco's (should also add the statement saying stuff retains hardness and durability just for the sake of it).
Part 6 has a lot of bullet feats, I calced one but a handful could be done still.
Obviously some of the uncalced FTL slop would be a must.
Man it's just a ******* laundry list of shit, I got Chritin and Dale helping once in awhile like Joseph's HP grip strength I got Dale to do, but there's actually 40+ things I have written in a note, except I'm anal and I don't trust a lot of goons to calc stuff properly besides the two aforementioned and couple the fact I **** with other verses.... Yes this is a cry for help, some of you goons get learning how to calc so you can help out.