I wouldn't say a giant space ghost is exactly "an animal" how a human is. And the question is not whether Sonic would hold back and let himself get killed. Sonic doesn't know about Narutos resurrection. The question is if he would obliterate Narutos body without knowing about resurrection.
Well as shown in the video linked below by user, yeah. Killed a guy who he knew immortality wouldn't save him. In fact, it was his goal. Don't see why he wouldn't do so against someone that SBA would make him view as an immediate threat to his own life. Sonic isn't a hero like Superman. This is the man who's packed people up and sentenced peeps to torment for eternity. He's not gonna have problems killing a dude in a fight he feels his life is at risk. Especially if they revive even once.
What time skip? Naruto was equal to the Raikage in the very same battle. The Raikage then uses his fastest punch and Naruto blitzes him with the calced 4200 speed difference. This is a direct difference between Naruto and his shunshin.
Can you like, show me a screenshot of where this is on the profile? It's very hard to read.
You're still missing my point. They're not a problem because Sonic can't deal with them. They're problem because they work as an answer to Sonics own precog and speed amps. It doesn't give Naruto an advantage it evens out a disadvantage he would usually have.
And does Sonic use Chaos Control time stop in character?
I understand what you're saying. And I disagree with the notion it evens out the disadvantage. At best it buys Naruto a millisecond before he too his chopped in half.
Not as an opener no. If he's having as much trouble as you're saying he's going to be having, then yeah.
That's pretty cool but doesn't do that much in this scenario. As I've said, each clone has its own precog, speed amps, and dura neg hax. That already makes them a far better counter to Sonic.
You say a far better counter as if they'd last long when I see no reason they would. Like honestly. He would just speed blitz the clones and one-shot them all with like almost any of his attacks.
No, because again, precog + speed amps. Ntm the fact that they can fly. They would swarm Sonic as he tries to hit them from all sides, keep up with his speed with precog and try to tag him with speed amp techniques.
And they would fail to hit him a single time as he proceeds to blitz all of them with a homing attack. In fact, they would never get the chance to use their speed amps to begin with, because Sonic would've already cut them all up before they even thought of doing it, and got Naruto.
Naruto also has passive AD and even reactive evolution. Meaning Naruto would at least keep up with Sonics growth while alive then have big jumps if he dies. Even if they only keep up it doesn't matter because if Sonic can't insta kill Naruto he can't get through healing and resurrection.
You see, the problem is you keep going in a circle with this. I say he instantly kills Naruto, you say Sonic doesn't do that, then say unless he kills him instantly he doesn't win, I say he does, ad nauseum. Even if you want to argue Sonic doesn't kill Naruto the first time, he will chop him into tiny pieces when he sees Naruto magically get back up from the beating of a life-time.
But aren't they like, rivals of similar level with shadow? Sonic usually struggling to defeat shadow and stuff.
It should be in character. It's hard to say because it's a game so most fights happen offscreen, but speed amps and substitution jutsu are the most basic spammed techniques in the games.
I would like to agree, but you overestimate SEGA, lol. Sonic has like 5 different rivals, and he beats them EVERY time he goes against them. Hell, Sonic Generations literally has Sonic sweep through all his rivals. He destroys Metal Sonic, punks Silver, and destroys Shadow, all back to back. Despite these characters being rivals with either equal strength/speed, or sometimes even superior.
I don’t really see any argument for Sonic here tbh. Everything mentioned would be at least some sort of a hindrance.
Sonic has to adapt to the clones in his way which limits his attack opportunities.
Sonic has to get through a 3x durability amp shield which drops his attacks advantage to just around 2x (not nearly enough to one shot).
Sonic has to get through precog and speed amps which makes hitting clear shots more difficult.
Sonic also has to avoid thousands of attacks that could do anything from staggering him to cutting off his limbs and one shotting him
And even if he gets through ALL of that, he needs to kill Naruto in a very specific way or he'll just resurrect.
Sonics AP advantage and speed amps are just not enough to get through Narutos plethora of abilities and resurrection. His only chance to reliably pull of a W seems to be time stop but even then that depends on whether that's in character for Sonic to do.
The clones are just inferior versions of his rivals he can one-shot and blitz.
Getting through the 3x durability amp shield would be extremely easy when he has access to moves that can one-shot people comparable, if not superior at times. Let alone someone 2x weaker. Not an issue for Sonic at all.
Except Sonic is able to hit people with precog and speed amps with extreme ease all the time without missing. Not to mention Sonic's acrobatics/mobility/athleticism honestly look far more impressive.
Wouldn't be hard to do so with his own precog, speed amps, and just general mobility. And even if it was difficult, he'd just bust out hax since he's not going to let himself get killed before he relies on abilities he has. That's just asinine.
You say very specific way, when cutting someone in half is like... the norm for Sonic. Like, the main attacks Sonic's known for involves turning into a literal human buzzsaw. Sonic isn't gonna start throwing hands with thousands of clones, lol. Though that is admittedly pretty funny to imagine.
And here the circular argument I was talking about restarts. You act as if though Sonic will just knock Naruto out hundreds of times. That isn't the case
at all. Sonic at worst knocks Naruto out, sees him get back up, and then opts for chopping him apart which almost all of Sonic's moves do.
If these are the arguments in favor of Naruto, then I'm convinced like the others that this is just a stomp in Sonic's favor. Because noting on here looks like something that'll hinder Sonic for more than half a second when it's all things he's bypassed before. Especially since he has the AP/Dura advantage and is fighting against someone who's reaction speed isn't 4x greater than his combat speed like his own. Even if I give Naruto the benefit of the doubt, Sonic whips out his hax and finishes the fight as others have mentioned.