This is what someone said on another forum/site. I can't say if this is correct or not as I am not well informed in the matter.
"Sun wukong should be placed high 1-A as a buddha.
1. A boddhisatva is a practicioner in the path to buddhahood, an eight bhumi bodhisattva upwards is already outerversal inhabiting pure buddha-fields that trascend concepts of space and time, the three realms (desire, form and formless). Bodhisattvas are not bound by such conceptions.
2. A buddha is incomprehensible even for a bodhisattva of the tenth bhumi.
"Since it is not the pure realm, it is part of the absolute.[1] Since it is not conceptual, it is beyond example. Since it is not within mind, it is not in samsara or peace. Even the noble ones cannot conceive of the conquerors' objects."
All buddhas have just one true body, a wisdom body, without restrictions.
""In actuality, Buddha is a wisdom body, beyond time and distance. The wisdom body of the Buddha is constant [rtag pa], since immeasurable time has no self-nature; his wisdom body is all-pervasive [khyab pa], since immeasurable dimensions have no self-nature. Since his wisdom body is beyond atoms and instants, beyond matter and time, it is possible for all atoms of all world systems to fit into a single atom and for all aeons to fit into a single second." - Text Sections 225-226 / Stanza 10
There is just one buddha, once you reach buddhahood you just get the same wisdom body, hence wukong should be high 1-A upon reaching buddhahood. It fulfills all the requirements. Trascend and being utterly incomprehensible in the eyes of the tenth bhumi bodhisattvas, who are already above baseline outerversal. He is just limited by some minor limitations, author suggest, by it´s not very clear for me what they are."
and there this thread that discusses why Buddha is 1-A or even teir 0: