Wait, how is Dragon Ball on here seen as a lost cause? Like I'm genuinely curious as to learn why it's a lost cause because from the top of my head:
Dragon Ball GT/Toei, Super Anime, and Super Manga's cosmologies were composited and eliminated the need to differentiate them all when scaling, Buuhan's feat of nearly crushing the entire Macrocosm was accepted as scaling to his physicals which upgraded several characters to 2-C scaling to or above him such as the likes of Anime Kid Buu, Goku, Vegeta, and everything in GT, Super's gotten some pretty good speed upgrades where even BOG Level characters are 118 Sextillions FTL and Super Hero Level characters are in the Decillions range, genuine measurable multipliers are being accepted into the scaling chain, a lot of the profiles are getting much needed tuning and improvements to make them match up to modern day standards, and of course there's the elephant in the room which is Dragon Ball finally reaching TIER 1 after it has been argued to hell and back for years at this point.
And that's not even including games like Heroes where not only does it have characters which are immeasurably above baseline 5-D and Immeasurable speed, which also got accepted a few years back, but it now is home to pretty damn good hax that has multiple layers in potency and exotic abilities like Conceptual Manipulation or narrative level EE and regeneration. Now I'm not saying that the verse is perfect or that everything is fine and dandy, but I cannot see the idea of it being a lost cause when all the above has been added over the last few years