Ok. I found some general powers. Unfortunately, I couldn't access enough stories to make the blog, though.
Quantum Mnemonics
Quantum Mnemonics is the language of the Great Old Ones. Imbued with the pre-universe's physics, it is able to shape reality in a similar, though far greater, manner to Block-Transfer Mathematics and even interact with it (
Millennial Rites/Time's Champio).
- The most powerful tool developed by the Time Lords was Block Transfer Computation, the ultimate expression of mathematics. With it, one could manipulate matter and energy, time and space, and fold dimensions like so much origami. It was the fundamental basis of TARDIS technology that surrounded him, and had even harnessed to bleed off excess entropy from the universe, extending its lifespan by incalculable aeons. Quantum mnemonics, the dark science of an earlier race of Time Lord, made block transfer computation seem like a conjuring trick. With just a few words, a practitioner of their great art could grasp the basic nature of reality around the throat and shake it into a new configuration. A bon mot of quantum mnemonics could bring about a premature death, or run of good luck. A sentence could transform a planet's history and destiny, changing a world of barbaric war into an elysium. And a carefully constructed paragraph could rewrite the entire universe. Or destroy it utterly.
- The Valeyard rubbed his chin in contemplation. 'The Quantum Mnemonic and that hag Travers' block transfer computations must have interacted, merging the two creatures in the process.'
- All that had stemmed from the misuse of a unique language, one ancient when the cosmos was new, composed and wielded by the Time Lords of the universe before this one, and a language imbued with the power to re-shape reality in a word, or scorch eternity with its flames. The language was known as quantum mnemonics, and Time's Champion was written in it.
- Kronos turned to view his attacker and drew back in surprise atthe sight of the creature: a singularity of power and creation forged by the language of time before time, a force born of all realities yet alien toall alike, and its nature burned. 'You are something new, a thought given form,' Kronos said, his wings opening and expanding to sharpened points, shaking the burnedand charred surface away. The form bowed in a curious display of politeness. 'I am the Mnemonic, and yes, I am new and by your perceptions I am abominable as well. But then, weren't you considered the same by others once?
If used correctly, it can reshape reality to its speaker's liking. Incorrect use can prove catastrophic for the entire universe (
The Quantum Archangel/Millennial Rites).
- Within nanoseconds, the Mind of Bophemeral had discovered the nature and purpose of the Constructors and annihilated their armada ― patricide and deicide in one. A second later, it derived block-transfer computation from first principles and built itself an army of metallic drones. As its robotic servants swarmed across the cosmos it began to research quantum mnemonics, learning the arcane language that would permit it to mould reality to its liking.
- The Quantum Archangel needed the analytical engine that was the Mad Mind to fulfil her destiny. The Lux Aeterna wanted to use it to remember and understand its existence. But Anjeliqua Whitefriar knew that a Mad Mind, resentful of its defeat at the hands of the new gods, fully in command of the reality-altering abilities granted by quantum mnemonics, would prove catastrophic for the universe.
- The Doctor lowered his voice. 'I'm afraid not. Although it is possible to use quantum mnemonics to manipulate individual strands of reality, that would demand a far greater knowledge of the subject than I possess.
The Millennium Codex, which is programmed with the language and constructed from Cybermen technology, could alter reality in a similar fashion (
Millennial Rites).
- Quantum mnemonics, the dark science of an earlier race of Time Lord, made block transfer computation seem like a conjuring trick. With just a few words, a practitioner of their great art could grasp the basic nature of reality around the throat and shake it into a new configuration. A bon mot of quantum mnemonics could bring about a premature death, or run of good luck. A sentence could transform a planet's history and destiny, changing a world of barbaric war into an elysium. And a carefully constructed paragraph could rewrite the entire universe. Or destroy it utterly. So what was Ashley Chapel doing with the most deadly weapon in creation as part of his operating system?
- Chapel laid both hands on the cone and closed his eyes in intense concentration. The result was striking. The cone flared with a blinding light that shot upwards in a pillar of ruby incandescence, hitting the ceiling and apparently passing straight through. An observer ― not that anyone save Chapelhad ever seen the phenomenon ― might have considered it to be magic, but the truth was far less mystical, though no less impressive: underneath the runic trappings that Chapel enjoyed so much was the most complex micro-monolithic circuitry array ever constructed. As ever, he gave thanks to his ex-employer, Tobias Vaughn, and his Cybermen allies for designing the technology in the first place. The fact that heheld the patent was simply the spoils of war, as far as he was concerned.
- He turned from the statue with a fire in his eyes. 'I have uncovered all that remains of the dark science of the elder gods, true power that has been buried beneath the relentless flow of science and technology. And that dark science has been converted by the university research team, converted from arcane symbols and whispered truths into algorithms and subroutines, the mundane mathematical building blocks that the advanced research team here has transformed into the programming that comprises the Codex. That is the truth behind Ashley Chapel Logistics, David.'
Restore magic and physics from the Pre-Universe, fusing them with the physics from the After-universe and N-Space (
Millennial Rites).
- Chapel was standing over the rune cone, his face rapt with effort. 'There has to be an explanation. There has to be a reason. Saraquazel's ascendancy must be assured ―'The Doctor had given up struggling. He could only standand watch as the cone's red glow grew brighter and brighter,and his thoughts went out to Mel, unaware of what was going on. He sighed, preparing himself to die but knowing that toomany other people would share his fate.The light from the cone became incandescent, filling Chapel's office with blinding, tearing forces that seemed toreach into the very fabric of time and space, twisting, bending, rearranging. [...] In an old brownstone in New York, a thoughtful manlevitating in a voluminous blue cloak cocked his head to oneside, attempting to interpret the warnings that the spirits werescreaming at him. And in a Dublin bar, a blond-haired man in adirty beige trenchcoat looked up from his Guinness, but dismissed the odd sensations as a result of the previous fifteen pints. But those willing to listen to and understand the psychic maelstrom emanating from London could only come up with a single answer. The Universe had stopped. And then, just as suddenly, it restarted. But nothing would ever be the same again. Magic had returned to the Earth.
- I am the Doctor's friend Mel. Whatever magicks were used tocreate the Kingdom were far beyond our comprehension, let alone our abilities. All we can do now is ally our forces, and try to bring the Doctor back to us.'
- The magicks that had created the Great Kingdom had worn off, leaving a distraught young woman in the armour of the Technomancer.
- The closer the Doctor looked, the more of each type he could see. It was as if the mnemonic had made up for the lack of three-dimensional space in the new London by fractalling reality, folding and cracking space to fit more in.
Capable of hiding in places of the multiverse even more remote than the Darker Strata, the deepest levels of the Time Vortex (
The Quantum Archangel).
- As would those Transcendental Beings that had stolen away into the hidden places, regions of the multiverse that were even more remote than the darker strata, beings that had seen the universe as a challenge to be conquered, a people to be raped, an artefact of so high a price that they would destroy everything to possess it. The Great Intelligence, the Nestene Consciousness, the Animus... Especially the darkest and greatest of the Old Ones, Nyarlathotep: after what he had done, Elektra had a special place in Hell reserved for him. All of them, hiding and waiting like spiders in their vile webs. They would be the enemy.
- The darker strata, the deepest levels of the time vortex, were ignored by all ― the Eternals, their cousins the Chronovores, the mysterious Time Wraiths with their insane appetites, the Swimmers mindlessly pressing against the multiversal boundaries... All the Transcendental Beings shunned the darkness, preferring the upper levels or the Six-Fold Realm itself. But the dim, turbid streams of the darker strata were the perfect place for an Eternal who didn't want to be found.
In one story, they exist in the outer planes and cannot be killed as long as their original forms exist there, and their consciousness can travel on its own by riding time winds through holes in the universe created by lesser races they telepathically influence (
White Darkness)
- 'No no no.' The Doctor shook his head, and pulled a bunch of grapes from his upturned hat, depositing them at Petion's bedside. 'As I told Ace, they can't be killed in this universe. They originally came from some other universe, other dimension ― one of the outer planes, most likely ― and part of their being still resides there. Another part exists in their physical form, but that can't do anything without the third ingredient.' 'Their consciousness?' Benny suggested. 'It's as good a word as any. Their consciousness can travel on its own, riding the Time Winds, even. But it's reliant on the natural forces of the universe to open gateways for it.' 'When the stars are right, you mean,' Howard said. 'Exactly, the tidal forces of stellar masses in conjunction are sometimes enough to rip a hole through the fabric of space-time and give them the paththey need. So long as their consciousness is out there, it can't physically do anything, but the body's automatic instincts can be powerful enough on the telepathic wavelengths to attune themselves to receptive minds and influence them into providing assistance when the stars are right.' Why do they need assistance? Can't they just slip back into their bodies like a zombi astral?' Petion asked from where he was propped up on his bed. 'No because the universe is constantly expanding and evolving, which means the stars will never quite return to exactly the same formation they were in when that consciousness left. Therefore they need followers to perform rituals that attract the attention of the autonomic instincts which can then generate that extra bit of focus necessary to bridge the difference between the positions of of stars then and now.
Their death would destroy the universe, and
one's even turns the Time Vortex inside out (
Signs and Wonders)
- The Doctor: Elder Gods don't die in this universe, even when I've defeated them. They've always sloped off back into their home dimension. It has never happened. It can never be allowed to happen, because it would unleash energies that have no place here, that would rip this universe apart.
Telepathy and
Mind Control (Can influence lesser races to perform rituals),
Immortality (Possibly Type 9; Part of their being resides in the outer planes, meaning they cannot be killed within the universe. However, this heavily contradicts the established lore of Doctor Who),
Spatial Manipulation,
Time Manipulation,
Matter Manipulation,
Energy Manipulation,
Reality Warping,
Heat Manipulation and
Physics Manipulation (Quantum Mnemonics, the language of the Great Old Ones, is imbued with the physics of the Pre-Universe, allowing its user to warp reality and manipulate, time-space, matter and energy. The Millennium Codex, which is inscribed with and operates on quantum mnemonics, restored magick and fused N-Space, the After-Universe and the Pre-Universe together, despite their very different physical laws. Far superior to Block Transfer Computation, which bled off excess entropy from the universe)
Any other powers should be case-by-case. Also, the Celestial Toymaker retained his body by
projecting it from his home universe, so he doesn't have Type 9.