Anyway, on my opinion of the film:
1) This movie is a weird match up lmao, there is extremely gross, gory parts like that scene with Gargantos' eye, and then there is silly, campy scenes like the "Let's kick some Witch's ass, winks". The soundtrack too, that part in which Wanda was making the ritual of wandering had a odd techno beat, that is very constrasting from the classic epic orchested music..
2) The cameos were all disappointing, like come on, just show 'em to die, Reed is clearly not the smartest man in the universe, smh. The Sinister Strange was also a letdown. I wonder tho, if the Capitan Carter that appeared is the same one from What If, because if that is how her reality (And her) turns out then Ultra-OOF.
I also wonder why Tony is not even mentioned at all, Ultron and this timeline was won without him sacrificing. And you know what I question even more? That Vision is lacking entirely. We only hear his mention once and that's it, nor we get to see the human husband of the Wanda variant, which is so ******* weird in every way.
3) Scarlett Witch's arc is... Interesting. I wouldn't call it great but since from her introduction in Age of Ultron up to here her development from being sidekick of Ultron, to be a semi regurlar hero, a chased criminal, semi psychopath to full on psychopath feels... Natural after all she went through.
She works pretty danm well as a powerfull and scary villain, she is a constant unstoppable force in the film and the way she gets across and finishes rivals is disturbing.
4) Now Doctor Strange... You see from very early in the MCU he was compared to Iron man as the "Magical Tony Stark" which is previous obvious in his solo film, arrogant successful individual suffers an accident, realizes that the world and situations are different than he used to think, has to fight now for the good of the world and make self-damning decision for the sake of everyone, yada yada.
In the Multiverse of Madness, it sorta is like this aswell, just in the context that he is an arrogantly powerful sorcerer that thinks he should take the wheel when it comes to saving everyone, an attitude that he eventually gets over with and finally decides to trust and respect other people in this magic world aswell.
Which is still great, the movie is very good at developing this by showing different versions of Strange taking extreme paths, all leading to horrible conclusions and is also unique from Tony who has to directly see the consequences of his action in the his universe.
His love interest Palmer is there not only mediator for his recklessness (Like Pepper) but also to add a layers to him; Someone powerful but unhappy without her and has to deal with the fact she will likely not going to be with her in a thousand or so universes. That small scene with the Evil Strange, talking about the death of her sister is also good at adding depth to him.
Overall, I do say that while the general theme of the plot (Learn humilty, trust and respect others) is something that has been done already many times, the distinctions and their execution are good enough to make it feel original in a good way.
5) America Chavez tho, is meh. "I don't know how to control my power" => "Trust yourself" => "Okay" => "Controls Power". Good thing that the problem is not solved right afterwards, it takes Wanda to realization to stop the madness, otherwise Chavez's self-confidence wouldn't be enough.
T.L;D.R: Is pretty fly, 7.8/10.