perhaps it was just me being so swallowed up by the debating scene that I didn't get the change to fully process the fight at first,
BUT HOLY SHAWT! THAT WAS AMAZING! It’s just topped my tier list for best sprite animation on the entire show beating out Diocard and that’s a high bar, this fight is in a way what I wanted from MMH vs SS, going utterly bawtshit with all the cosmic-y powers, mind games and inter-dimensional madness, this fight has it all. Both Bill and Discord performed by Guyet and John respectively do a phenomenal job that truly bring out the characters, Bill’s sheer disturbing and while charming & terrifying demeanour, Discord’s utterly nonesensical nature being the Lord of Chaos and charismatic smooth taker that would reel anyone in.
This fight makes use of a lot of different art styles and animations, like we’ve seen in Saitama vs Popeye with the bubbles of madness, it was so cool, this whole reality warping battle I loved more, something that exceeded the bar past episodes have made.
The way this fight takes is very similar to Black Adam vs Apocalypse with the one invading the anti-hero’s home, laying wast to it while the last line of hope for there world tries to put a stop to the threat.
This entire fight is sooo good! The lines, the battle score fire, the ending! it’s one of the best in DB’s pantheon of episodes that had me at an aw!, if there was anything that embodies “have your cake and eat it” it would be this, Discord conjures an illusion so real even the all-seeing eye believed it, an trapped Bill in the nightmare realm in a heroic sacrifice to save his own and his beloved Fluttershy, the letter he wrote at the beginning also looks like it was a farewell in case which hits every harder now, this move being a finale **** you and Discord outstaging in such a Discord way that’s just perfect, perfect, him getting the last laugh and the isosceles freaking out only made it a dozen times better.
Bill won, but Discord won the war, a very pyrrhic victory and antithesis to Black Adam’d.
really didn’t know who was going to win and it had my mind blown away, Bill and Discord’s bouncing off each other’s interactions and especially Discord’s lines…mmmmmm so damn amazing, this fight’s also crammed full of easter eggs like Trunks vs Silver, many I haven’t even picked up on but just to name a few, Sans, Rick Sanchez fighting Doctor Hooves(possible nod?) maaaan…what can I say this fight is amazing, honestly being truthful but I feel like I’ve only scratched the tip of the iceberg off it all and admittedly am trying to keep it spoiler free. I could go on for hours and hours and hours on this but should probably wrap this up lol, leave that to the professionals.
P.S Want to quote a bit from another users writeup on Billcord(this P.S not me), as someone's review I read on Billcord with the ending, but it was a perfect closer to both of the characters that emphasises's the terror of Bill and the compassion and personal growth of Discord all the while issuing it in with his inexplicable penchant for deception and pooling the wool over someone’s eye in the most roundabout and convoluted way imaginable. A way that feels emotional, gratifying and powerful all wrapped up in a nice recursive conclusion.