Priority: 1 (Scales to a good bit of the verse)
Verse: Cultivator Against Hero Society
Feat(s): Since two notable feats were performed,
I'll just drop a link to an Imgur of most of the interaction.
Wu Mengqi travels from Earth to space debris in a short period of time. (Done through sheer speed she has no teleportation ability at this point in the story and she returns to Earth moments later after the entire feat)
Wu Mengqi (using the sword she's holding and 6 other swords) while on the space debris proceeds to cut all the particles of 4 vampires, leaving no notable matter around and thus killing them. (Also done through sheer speed)
For further context said, vampires are able to regenerate after being reduced to crumbs. And After Mengqi dices them, their creator Hobbes brought them back to life by regenerating all of their particles and body. If any more information is needed let me know, this verse has a good amount of feats that are impressive and need calc'ing.
I forgot to mention another important feat, one that's arguably more important than the last one. Thankfully it should be more simple to calc.
Priority: 1 (Scales to a good bit of the verse)
Verse: Cultivator Against Hero Society
Feat: Wu Mengqi performs the Qi Capacity Forming Dragon Technique to create a massive explosion