Nah, they are slowed to a near stop from her perspective. So it's not much different from an amp. However this is a thing for Ikki's amps:
In an instant, Ikki focused his sight. He didn't need color, so Ikki cut off that detail, and seeing the world moving in gray, he transferred the acuity of his color sense to his motion perception. As he did so, the movements of the world around him slowed. This was no special power, just the boost in cognition that even regular people would receive from danger, except that Ikki could activate it consciously since, obviously, he couldn't reach the level of concentration needed to win a fight in under a minute without this sort of ability.
The gray world around him slowed and dimmed as if sinking to the bottom of the sea, and Ikki analyzed his surroundings. There were four enemies to his left, right, front and back.
He can do this to boost his cognition and this also makes the world run in slow motion from Ikki's perspective. And this is not even counting the fact that ikki can fight people much faster.