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Before the fight between Ichibei vs Yhwach even started, we see the distance from the fake Royal Palace where they're fighting in and where the real one where Ichibei is at:
After Yhwach revived the Elite Knights, and the off-screen battle resume Pernida broke the tree of life:
In the next page, Yhwach blitzed everyone and reached Ichibei in a mere second:
In the image above you can see the shadow of Yhwach's cape in Ichibei's face. In the image below we see Yhwach standing in front of Ichibei as they speak.
After Yhwach revived the Elite Knights, and the off-screen battle resume Pernida broke the tree of life:
In the next page, Yhwach blitzed everyone and reached Ichibei in a mere second:
In the image above you can see the shadow of Yhwach's cape in Ichibei's face. In the image below we see Yhwach standing in front of Ichibei as they speak.