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Arthas vs Orcus

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Mr. Bambu

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Arthas vs Orcus

Typical movement speed is equalized

Keep in mind that Arthas is considered and Undead being in this battle of equal power to Orcus.

Round One: Northrend, frozen valley Round Two: Abyss, layer one Round Three: Abyss, Orcus' layer

Both can summon their minions to some extent.
Orcus through versatility and i'd argue that Orcus would be able to control Arthas.
Aparajita said:
Orcus through versatility and i'd argue that Orcus would be able to control Arthas.
No to the second bit, at least- his undead control is only based on creatures A. not already under control (if hes stronger than the controller then this doesn't matter) and B. not as strong as him
Orcus is one of the strongest demon lords. He's above Arthas in power and influence.
Aparajita said:
Orcus is one of the strongest demon lords. He's above Arthas in power and influence.
And Arthas outclasses almost everything in his universe- casually brought back one of the most powerful dragons, is comparable to Kil'Jaeden and Illidan at his minimum form (much less his newer form of badassery), not to mention that a good portion of Orcus' powers don't work on a dead guy.

I'll count it as Orcus 1 but I do disagree.
Pretty sure characters that scale to Orcus have feats vastly above Tier 7.
Promestein said:
Pretty sure characters that scale to Orcus have feats vastly above Tier 7.
What makes Orcus that? He's a powerful magic user no doubt but uh... when did Orcus go nuclear? Except for maybe wish in certain circumstances I suppose, but that takes mojo and time.
Not exactly. That guy... he's focused this whole time on acquiring insanely powerful magical abilities, yes? Greater than Wish, which is reality warping at that point. Orcus has not. Once he hit godhood he pretty much focused on squabbling with his fellow demons and gods. Hell, look at Elminster's powers and abilities- he's vastly more powerful than Lolth's creations, while she herself is a prominent figure in the Abyss. I'm surprised that guy hasn't been made into godhood yet, canon wise. It's easily possible for him.

Um. Just for reference, the biggest thing I saw the Wish spell do was casually destroy Greyhawk and its surrounding areas via summoning another dimension to it (poor wording in Wish tends to screw it up, it summoned Ravenloft).
That doesn't mean Orcus isn't strong, and being stronger than Lolth's creations doesn't mean he's stronger than Lolth herself, who would be vastly beyond his paygrade.
Promestein said:
That doesn't mean Orcus isn't strong, and being stronger than Lolth's creations doesn't mean he's stronger than Lolth herself, who would be vastly beyond his paygrade.
Again, not exactly. I never remember a Small Planet busting lolth- she's meant to be killed by high level players who are probably around 8-C tops (not including magic). As far as I know, Damnation and Wish are Orcus' best spells and both take time, moreso on Damnation's part (Damnation will send the target directly to his layer of the abyss, in case you're wondering, which wouldn't matter for this bit).
Regardless of whether or not you remember, Lolth should very well scale to other high tiers, which are, judging by this, in the Tier 5 range. It's absurd to limit her to Tier 8 when there's a bunch of much higher feats from much weaker characters.

Thinking about it, this is likely a mismatch, and though we should wait until someone more well-versed on D&D to give Orcus concrete statistics, Orcus shouldn't have any problem with Arthas.
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