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ugh, this is ganna be a pain in the ass isnt it? anyways i will include Nathanos in this just for a baseline on his page.
Tier/ap/dura/SS: Small city level+? i mean yeah that would work for a warcraft 3 thrall key and maybe wow wotLK thrall but thrall stopped a city leveling tidal wave(from jaina) and fought the High 6-B Deathwing, though that should only be with the dragon soul and dura shouldn't change for this, and a possibly 6-C might be fine for cata/wod/legion thrall though small city level should be for BFA thrall.
Speed: Subsonic scaling to Illidan
Stamina: High(can fight long battles with the alliance and the burning legion, and should also be far superior to most humans)
Powers and abilities: Elemental Manipulation(Electricity, fire, air, earth, and water), Healing(at least high-low with shamanism) (scales above weaker shamans), Resistance to: Mind Manipulation(resists mind control from priests), Fear Manipulation(unaffected by fear spells), extreme heats with shamanism(can hold magma in his hands and can be in Northrend for extended periods of time) | all previous to a higher degree | all previous to a far higher degree(should be far stronger with the elements then before) with Energy projection(uses the dragon soul as a weapon)(if im missing something here let me know) | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Expert Hammer and Axe Wielder (i know so sad but Thrall doesnt have shaman abilities anymore, least i dont think so)
Weaknesses: If the elements are harmed he has an extremely hard time using his shamanistic powers | same as before | same as before, the Dragon Soul has a massive charge time and Thrall must charge it for it to fire | none notable
Arthas Menethil/The Lich King:
Tier/ap/dura/ss: At Least Low 7-B for base paladin arthas(comperable to Thrall), then makes the tier jump to At least 7-B, possibly 6-C(one-shot Uther the Lightbringer), then lands to High 6-B, likely higher(is superior to Malygos and a heavily weakened Yogg-Saron)
Powers and Abilities: first key is whatever, he has holy manipulation, healing(high-low), and superhuman physical charatiristics, no reason to change it. Immortality: get the hell rid of type 6(thats possession not type 6.) and add on type 2(scales to inferior undead), also add on blood manipulation(its a DK spec, Arthas is a DK, no duh) and... i have no more problems with the main powers suprisingly, everything is where it should be, now Arthas should have: resistance to Mind Manipulation(resists mind control and the Jailor should resist the powers of most denizens of the maw, this includes all types of empathatic manipulation), Fear Manipulation(resists fear spells), Transmutation(is unnafected by polymorph), and thats all she wrote there!
LS: at least Superhuman, likely class 1, nothing else for arthas, lets move on!
Stamina: Limitless, hes a warcraft undead which by default have this
Malyos and the other Dragon Aspects:
resistance to Mind Manipulation and Fear maniplation(do i even have to explain these two anymore?)
Intelligence: mentally unstable? not really anymore, he regained most of his sanity when he straight up absorbed the nether drakes that were brought to the nexus when they tried to take it over(make that limited absorption by the way) he should know all there is to know about arcane magic, unknown for every intelligence(except for Deathwing of course.) should be fine.
Lifting strength: at least class 25, possibly class T(needs to be able to move and through scaling to deathwing respectively), this applies to ALL dragon aspects
Speed: at least Subsonic(should be far superior to Illidan)
Galakrond: oh boy!
Powers and abilities: Flight!?!?!? Galakrond is too fat to fly anymore!, Type 2 Large Size(the dragon aspects should have type 1 or 2 each, so there)
Speed: At Least Subsonic(should be comparable to the Dragon Aspects
Lifting strength: all right, dwarfing all 5 dragon aspects combined is quite the feat, and ive already established that Galakrond should have type 2 large size, this gives Galakrond Class K or M, possibly class T through size alone and scaling to Deathwing respectively.
Tier/ap/dura: At least 7-B, possibly 6-C(comperable to Champion of the Lich King Arthas)
Striking Strength: WHAT. Kel'thuzad has NEVER been seen attacking physically and hes a magic caster. unkown.
Classification: Archlich of Naxxramas, Lich Lord of the Plaguelands, Commander of the Dread Necropolis, Master and founder of the Cult of the Damned, Formerly of the Council of Six, Summoner of Archimonde the Defiler, The Betrayer of Humanity, Hearthstone Enthusiast, and Majordomo to the Lich King (you know why)
resistance to mind, extreme tempuratures, and fear manip
Tier/ap/ss: at least 7-B, High 6-B with Ashbringer, High 6-B Durabiltiy(can take hits from Lich King Arthas)
Stamina: Very High(fights long battle against the scourge and is comperable to Bolvar who withstood long torture from Arthas
Intelligence: Unknown? Gifted, Tirion literally displays the requirements for gifted on the Intelligence page.
Range: Standard meele range normally, Extended meele range with the Ashbringer
Lifting Strength: at least peak human
resistance to mind, extreme tempuratures, and fear manip
Bolvar: second key goes High 6-B due to being comparable to arthas(though he is weaker)
Cenarius: why is his second key NOT 7-B again? thats my only nitpick here.
Titans and Void Lords: why are they 4-B? what feats support 4-B? theyre pretty solid 5-A or High 5-A.
Old Gods: what I want done is here
Nathanos Blightcaller: i did say i would put a baseline for him, lets go!
Name: Nathanos Blightcaller, formally Nathanos Marris
Gender: male
Age: unknown
Classification: Champion of the Banshee Queen
Tier/AP/Dura/SS: At least 7-B, likely 6-C(was able to fight Night Warrior Tyrande who should at least be comparable to Sylvanus who beat Bolvar, though he is nowhere near as powerful as Tyrande, and thus doesn't truly scale to her.)
Speed: at least Subsonic(comperable to Illidan
LS: at least peak human
Intelligence: Gifted fighter, above average otherwise
Range: Extended meele range with axes, dozens of meters with bow
Stamina: Limitless(is an undead in Warcraft, which have limitless stamina)
Standard Equipment: his axes and bow
Powers and abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Axe and Bow Mastery, Immortality(type 1,2, and 7), Poison and Disease manipulation via Plague(usually on arrows), Necromancy(can create mindless undead servants), Status Effect Inducement(stunning), master marksman(was allowed into the elven rangers even though he was human on account of his abilities), resistance to mind, extreme tempuratures, and fear manip
whew, thats all, just one more thing: most of not all of Warcraft should be Subsonic or MFTL+ just via scaling alone, nothing else to add here though.
Tier/ap/dura/SS: Small city level+? i mean yeah that would work for a warcraft 3 thrall key and maybe wow wotLK thrall but thrall stopped a city leveling tidal wave(from jaina) and fought the High 6-B Deathwing, though that should only be with the dragon soul and dura shouldn't change for this, and a possibly 6-C might be fine for cata/wod/legion thrall though small city level should be for BFA thrall.
Speed: Subsonic scaling to Illidan
Stamina: High(can fight long battles with the alliance and the burning legion, and should also be far superior to most humans)
Powers and abilities: Elemental Manipulation(Electricity, fire, air, earth, and water), Healing(at least high-low with shamanism) (scales above weaker shamans), Resistance to: Mind Manipulation(resists mind control from priests), Fear Manipulation(unaffected by fear spells), extreme heats with shamanism(can hold magma in his hands and can be in Northrend for extended periods of time) | all previous to a higher degree | all previous to a far higher degree(should be far stronger with the elements then before) with Energy projection(uses the dragon soul as a weapon)(if im missing something here let me know) | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Expert Hammer and Axe Wielder (i know so sad but Thrall doesnt have shaman abilities anymore, least i dont think so)
Weaknesses: If the elements are harmed he has an extremely hard time using his shamanistic powers | same as before | same as before, the Dragon Soul has a massive charge time and Thrall must charge it for it to fire | none notable
Arthas Menethil/The Lich King:
Tier/ap/dura/ss: At Least Low 7-B for base paladin arthas(comperable to Thrall), then makes the tier jump to At least 7-B, possibly 6-C(one-shot Uther the Lightbringer), then lands to High 6-B, likely higher(is superior to Malygos and a heavily weakened Yogg-Saron)
Powers and Abilities: first key is whatever, he has holy manipulation, healing(high-low), and superhuman physical charatiristics, no reason to change it. Immortality: get the hell rid of type 6(thats possession not type 6.) and add on type 2(scales to inferior undead), also add on blood manipulation(its a DK spec, Arthas is a DK, no duh) and... i have no more problems with the main powers suprisingly, everything is where it should be, now Arthas should have: resistance to Mind Manipulation(resists mind control and the Jailor should resist the powers of most denizens of the maw, this includes all types of empathatic manipulation), Fear Manipulation(resists fear spells), Transmutation(is unnafected by polymorph), and thats all she wrote there!
LS: at least Superhuman, likely class 1, nothing else for arthas, lets move on!
Stamina: Limitless, hes a warcraft undead which by default have this
Malyos and the other Dragon Aspects:
resistance to Mind Manipulation and Fear maniplation(do i even have to explain these two anymore?)
Intelligence: mentally unstable? not really anymore, he regained most of his sanity when he straight up absorbed the nether drakes that were brought to the nexus when they tried to take it over(make that limited absorption by the way) he should know all there is to know about arcane magic, unknown for every intelligence(except for Deathwing of course.) should be fine.
Lifting strength: at least class 25, possibly class T(needs to be able to move and through scaling to deathwing respectively), this applies to ALL dragon aspects
Speed: at least Subsonic(should be far superior to Illidan)
Galakrond: oh boy!
Powers and abilities: Flight!?!?!? Galakrond is too fat to fly anymore!, Type 2 Large Size(the dragon aspects should have type 1 or 2 each, so there)
Speed: At Least Subsonic(should be comparable to the Dragon Aspects
Lifting strength: all right, dwarfing all 5 dragon aspects combined is quite the feat, and ive already established that Galakrond should have type 2 large size, this gives Galakrond Class K or M, possibly class T through size alone and scaling to Deathwing respectively.
Tier/ap/dura: At least 7-B, possibly 6-C(comperable to Champion of the Lich King Arthas)
Striking Strength: WHAT. Kel'thuzad has NEVER been seen attacking physically and hes a magic caster. unkown.
Classification: Archlich of Naxxramas, Lich Lord of the Plaguelands, Commander of the Dread Necropolis, Master and founder of the Cult of the Damned, Formerly of the Council of Six, Summoner of Archimonde the Defiler, The Betrayer of Humanity, Hearthstone Enthusiast, and Majordomo to the Lich King (you know why)
resistance to mind, extreme tempuratures, and fear manip
Tier/ap/ss: at least 7-B, High 6-B with Ashbringer, High 6-B Durabiltiy(can take hits from Lich King Arthas)
Stamina: Very High(fights long battle against the scourge and is comperable to Bolvar who withstood long torture from Arthas
Intelligence: Unknown? Gifted, Tirion literally displays the requirements for gifted on the Intelligence page.
Range: Standard meele range normally, Extended meele range with the Ashbringer
Lifting Strength: at least peak human
resistance to mind, extreme tempuratures, and fear manip
Bolvar: second key goes High 6-B due to being comparable to arthas(though he is weaker)
Cenarius: why is his second key NOT 7-B again? thats my only nitpick here.
Titans and Void Lords: why are they 4-B? what feats support 4-B? theyre pretty solid 5-A or High 5-A.
Old Gods: what I want done is here
Nathanos Blightcaller: i did say i would put a baseline for him, lets go!
Name: Nathanos Blightcaller, formally Nathanos Marris
Gender: male
Age: unknown
Classification: Champion of the Banshee Queen
Tier/AP/Dura/SS: At least 7-B, likely 6-C(was able to fight Night Warrior Tyrande who should at least be comparable to Sylvanus who beat Bolvar, though he is nowhere near as powerful as Tyrande, and thus doesn't truly scale to her.)
Speed: at least Subsonic(comperable to Illidan
LS: at least peak human
Intelligence: Gifted fighter, above average otherwise
Range: Extended meele range with axes, dozens of meters with bow
Stamina: Limitless(is an undead in Warcraft, which have limitless stamina)
Standard Equipment: his axes and bow
Powers and abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Axe and Bow Mastery, Immortality(type 1,2, and 7), Poison and Disease manipulation via Plague(usually on arrows), Necromancy(can create mindless undead servants), Status Effect Inducement(stunning), master marksman(was allowed into the elven rangers even though he was human on account of his abilities), resistance to mind, extreme tempuratures, and fear manip
whew, thats all, just one more thing: most of not all of Warcraft should be Subsonic or MFTL+ just via scaling alone, nothing else to add here though.
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