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Arthas tries to solo your verse

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Arthas Menethil, the legendary Lich King - probably the greatest character Blizzard has ever made, tries to conquer your verse. How far does he succeed?

Arthas has his entire army, preparation and prior knowledge to make it more interesting. Speed is equalized, because he's really slow.

Note that Arthas' most notable hax is his Soul Manipulation, which has immense potency.

1375184-lich king by raneman
Frostmourne hungers.
I really do not remember. Around Town level I believe? He can control souls of his army, iirc.
Well, I think the main verses I support stomp him. I don't know how well he would do against Sid Kagenou given that he has psudo invisibility because the opponent's minds uncounsiously ignore his existnce and are incapable of tracking any of his movements even if they wanted to.
Not passive. Also I'm pretty sure the souls are stored in the Rakudai swords... Literally like Frostmourne. Pretty sure stealing their soul is possible.
Stealing their souls is possible. That's why i said "depending on how it works". Rakudai only gets away against soul attacks.
It just rips the souls from anything at distance, that's how his Frostmourne abilities work. And I don't think their deathhax would work, Arthas is a dead man.
Rakudai has deathhax nah? Like that killing-with-a-thought shit.

Prior knowledge and prep gg
What makes this guy strong? I'm not seeing it from reading his profile.
Welp, not passive but it's pretty much instant from what I remember. Not only looks, he is badass. Heavily recommending Warcraft 3, great game and story :D
...So? Ainz has never taken it off and all the gaurdians also have the same items? He also resist demuirges hellflame without his item.

To be clear that giant red orb in his chest is his world class item.
I've heard few times other versions but fine. Overlord stuff is twisted as hell here.
How so? Deep darkness dragon lord used his wild magic to kill a player with a world class item and steal his item so it's not just wild magic being countered by world class items it's just the effects of wild magic being countered by world class items when the effects line up. Soul rip/existence erasure are both things that world class items can do.

(It should be noted while deep darkness dragon lord could easily kill any living guardianyet he would easily be beaten by the non living guardians)

Beyond that though what issue do you have with overlord?
Castlevania: Leon slaps him after the pair talk for a bit.

World of Darkness: Dies once he gets past the fodder.

Jojo: Novel Kars adapts, GER loops.

Darkest Dungeon: Trapped in the farmstead forever if he doesn't get incapped by madness hax.

Hokuto No Ken: Ken precogs and Muso Tensei's him.
Well I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about since my knowledge on Overlord doesn't exceed the first season of anime
SpookyShadow said:
Well I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about since my knowledge on Overlord doesn't exceed the first season of anime
Fair enough, but Im curios now what issue do you have with the overlord treatment? Ainz always has his world class item because it's the giant floating orb in his chest that he hasn't taken off before...
Well basically most of times I was in Ovelord debates I have noticed rapid changes with what Ainz is starting with and his overall stuff. Once it's grasp heart, other time it's time stop... Well that's the main reason why I'm not into these debates.
Puella Magi Verse: No mindhax resistance means he got mindhaxed right away by even the verse fodder witch. And no dimensional travel/portal creation/Interdimensional range means he has no way to even find Elly.

Side Note, he looks like Zombie version of Sephiroth while taking his steroid.
SpookyShadow said:
Well basically most of times I was in Ovelord debates I have noticed rapid changes with what Ainz is starting with and his overall stuff. Once it's grasp heart, other time it's time stop... Well that's the main reason why I'm not into these debates.
TBF that has alot to do with who ainz is up against if it's an undead ainz has an ability that informs him of all undead in the area thus he wouldn't use any death magic. Another factor is what ainz has gone for most consistently in character.

To be clear in series he has opened with grasp heart twice, silent magic death three times and timestop three times. This accounting for all the novels up to volume thirteen, he's never in a fight he's unprepared for.

The big issue is ainz is a massive coward and has never been in a fight like sba demands, every fight he's in in series involves observation and a great deal of research, ainz has almost never entered a fight within his own series that he wasn't confident he could win, or at least without quite a bit of foreknowledge/planning ahead of time. Making him difficult to predict in situations where he's against unkown quantities. Even the first knights he killed he still observed them slaughtering the village before he got involved...
Well there was also that Grasp Heart = deathhax stuff which was debated because it was described as instant death. Up to this day, I have no idea if it's death hax or not...
It's considered a death spell and it can supposedly be comboed with tgoalid to overcome immunity in verse...Imunnity to the point of being able to effect dirt and oxygen with death...Honestly to this day im still not 100 percent clear myself, overlord rules and abilities are rather strange.

all the guardians were gifted world class items after season two which has probably added to your confusion...

Sorry for the derail but curiosity demanded I question this. Still it was rude of me so apologies.
I've just found somewhere that Arthas might have planetary mindhax. I'll ask Bambu, I think he has more fresh knowledge on Warcraft than me.
Soul Calibur: Does some damage but Nightmare pulls an uno reverse on him.

Dark Souls: Don't think he can put the protagonists down and they eventually one shot him.

Bloodborne: Passive madness hax gg

Infamous: Errrrrr not sure actually. Depends on how he fast his hax works I guess vs Cole blasting him.

Bobobobobo-Bobo: Guy with afro makes edgy guy rage quit
Bambu said to me that Arthas' soulhax and mindhax is around multi-continent level, so he might have a better chance.

>Guy with afro makes edgy guy rage quit

He only looks edgy, trust me :p