Any/All- 4,183
- 5,535
The concepts of sound and light are currently rated as Type 3 anyway, the Type 2 rating came from manifesting & offensively utilizing the concept of "Slashing down objects", I'd explain it as:
Lastly and most importantly, manifesting the concept of the "Sword". This ability allows Reid, through his unworldly swordsmanship, to bring forth the very notion of the "Sword" through any object he wields. The "Sword" in this case being described by the source material as "That which is brought forth for the purpose of slashing down objects". Whether Reid uses a real sword, a pipe, or just a regular wooden chopstick does not matter, as the notion of "slashing down objects" is manifested through it. It is stated that this sword-flash slashes down everything in it's path, be it the atmosphere, space itself, and concepts, and is also stated to both fissure the world as well as bisect the world itself.