Predict: "Say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something."
Precognition: "foreknowledge of an event, especially foreknowledge of a paranormal kind."
Precognition is knowing about something before it happens. Prediction is just a guess based on things that have already happened. Precog is not prediction, it's knowing the future with certainty. Obviously fiction can make precog wrong, you resist it, change reality/fate, or whatever.
Yet you're not predicting, you know what will happen. And it either happens or something special happens that overwrites that future. Or ,aybe the person's power isn't even precog but just supernatural prediction, it can be wrong and doesn't actually see future events. Regardless, precognition isn't prediction.
Precognition is the ability to see the future. " That is what it should be limited to, the ability to see/know the future. Guessing what is going to happen is not seeing the future. That's not an opinion but a fact. Why exactly are we having it fit into a category it shouldn't even be in?
Why are Time Stop and Time Manipulation allowed to be different things? (It's popular)
But characters who predict have to be lumped with those who see the future?
Call me crazy, but I think guessing someone's movements based on their previous actions is different from seeing into the future. Yeah there is overlap, but so what? Just because both can achieve the same point of "knowing" the future and can appear identical, doesn't meaning anything.
Enhancing your speed to be so fast that the world appears to slow down isn't the same as actually slowing down time. Visually they're identical and achieve the same result, but they're completely different abilities and we label them as completely different abilities. How is this any different?
I'd much prefer if people admit they don't want to make such wide changes because it's too much work. That's more believable and understandable.