At 0:44-0:51, Darcy matched a combined attack from Sasha and Grime with ease (as she is smiling), and from 0:54 to 0:56 she casually repels both Sasha and Grime.
After Sasha is enraged from Grime being hurt, she forced Darcy to dodge her attacks (when before Darcy had easily repelled her and Grime one after the other), and at 2:06 effortlessly cut through one of Darcy's robot tendrils, which could send both Sasha and Grim flying at 0:57 and took a hit from Grime at 1:08 (it's the one he quickly hits away while trying to attack Darcy)
And Darcy, after being sent flying back by her attack shortly after she gets enraged, feels the need to use hallucinations of Anne and Marcy so she can strike Sasha in the back. Mind you, a similar strike cut off Grime's arm, yet all an enraged Sasha suffers is a cut to the back that cuts her shirt's back somewhat and leaves her skin red (at 2:49).